

最靠谱的网赌软件(ODU), 弗吉尼亚联邦的一个机构, is insured through the Commonwealth's 风险管理 Plan (PLAN).

The PLAN provides coverage anywhere in the world that University business takes the 教职员工. In general, this coverage includes liability, property, vehicle, and employee theft.

联邦风险管理部(数字版权管理), within the Department of the Treasury, administers the PLAN.


一般责任保险的目的是防止ODU和/或其雇员和代理人因疏忽或疏忽行为而对第三方造成的身体伤害或财产损失承担法律责任. The PLAN provides general liability coverage set forth in Section 2.弗吉尼亚州法典第2-1837条, 它的机构, 以及它的员工, 代理, 和志愿者. The PLAN's protection covers both general and professional liability, 还有医疗事故, and includes: preparation of a defense by the State Attorney General's Office, 诉讼费用, 以及索赔的解决.


计划涵盖ODU, 董事会, 军官, 员工, 学生(在某些情况下)和代理人,当他们在ODU的指导下,在他们的就业范围内或被授权分配的职责范围内行动时, 无论是在校内还是校外.

注意: ODU 员工 who engage in personal business 不包括在计划内.



  • 欺诈或不诚实的行为
  • Acts of intentional, malicious, or willful and wanton conduct
  • 犯罪行为

注意: 不报告事件或不配合索赔辩护的雇员或代理人也可能被排除在保险范围之外.

What can ODU 教职员工 do to reduce the University's exposure?

  • Exercise professional care when planning and executing an event or project.
  • 预见灾难并采取适当的预防措施.
  • Quickly report any incident to the Office for Compliance and 风险管理.

注: ODU 员工 who engage in personal business enterprises on ODU facilities, 不包括在计划内. 从事此类活动的个人必须购买一般责任保险,将ODU列为附加被保险人,并为自己购买职业责任保险.

Medical Malpractice is covered up to the limits established in the Code of Virginia 8节.01-581.15.

Cash and financial accounts of the University are insured up to $500,000 per occurrence for both theft and fraud by ODU 员工. 这份保险没有免赔额. In the event theft or fraud is suspected, the University Police must be 不ified. 反过来,州警察将调查此事. To activate the bond, the State Police must name the probable culprit (an employee).

University property includes all items acquired through a State purchase order, 契约式, 一份监护和控制贷款协议, 或者作为礼物. It also includes University funds and other monetary instruments. The role of the 风险管理办公室 is to assist ODU departments in preparing property claims.

财产 coverage is worldwide and is based on the actual replacement or repair cost. Claims must be finalized within 18 months of the incident. 进一步, 还有25美元,风险管理部向大学收取每起事故000美元的免赔额,ODU向该部门收取1美元,每次可免赔额.

经营国有车辆的人员, 在进行大学业务时租用或出租, 如果发生意外,有责任保险吗. The PLAN provides $2,000,000 per occurrence of automobile liability coverage.

员工应该 buy the insurance offered by the car rental agency if on University business in the U.S. 因为保险是在计划下提供的,购买额外的保险是不可报销的. However, this does 不 apply to leasing vehicles in a foreign country. 当在另一个国家租赁车辆时,建议在车辆租用时购买责任和物理损害保险. The vehicle insurance cost will be reimbursable when leasing vehicles in foreign countries.

用于大学业务或批准活动的个人车辆不在大学车辆保险范围内. 这项州政策的基本原理是里程报销足以支付车主的保险费用. 万一发生事故, the State may accept liability for judgments in excess of the owner's insurance coverage. 进一步, University 员工 who are injured in the accident are usually covered by 工人的补偿. Other parties involved must recover damages from the vehicle's owner. Persons driving their own vehicles on University business and involved in an accident are requested to keep the 风险管理办公室 apprised of the situation; ODU may be able to assist in the resolution of the matter.

在参加志愿学生活动的旅行中, 学生们可能会觉得拼车划算, 学生使用自己的车辆, 然而, 学生的个人车辆用于学校的业务或批准的活动不包括在学校的车辆保险.

对于订约组织来说,交换保险范围证书来证明他们有保险范围是很常见的. ODU's 风险管理办公室 will provide such certificates on behalf of the Commonwealth. 申请应在需要证书的日期前五(5)个工作日通过电子邮件提交.

If you need to provide proof of coverage and there is no MOU, 合同, or other written agreement you can download and email the company/institution the Memorandum of Liability Coverage document or send them this link.


  • 外部设施的使用必须是官方ODU业务或批准的事件,以便获得保险证书.
  • 作为一个公共机构, ODU不允许添加其他实体作为联邦自我保险综合责任计划的附加保险公司, 我们也不能提供承担合同赔偿或持有无害条款的合同责任保险.
  • 所有合同和协议必须由授权的ODU代表按照签字权授权备忘录的规定签署.


最靠谱的网赌软件 is committed to offering and supporting safe, academically rigorous and diverse international education abroad programs and services for ODU students, 教职员工.

学校要求所有学生, 教师, 参加国际海外教育计划的工作人员——无论是学分性质的还是非学分性质的——在其项目期间都有完整的国际健康保险.

学生,教师和工作人员应联系 留学办公室 促进遵守 最靠谱的网赌软件海外健康保险政策.

该大学已与CISI保险公司签订合同,负责管理ODU学生的国际健康保险, 教师, and staff participating in international education programs sponsored, 管理, or coordinated by 最靠谱的网赌软件 教师 or staff. Instructions for purchasing the insurance can be found on your StudyAbroad account.

出国旅行和留学的参与者需要了解出国旅行和在特定国家或地区生活可能特有的额外风险. 建议学生参观 国务院警报和警告 页面.

For more information concerning the travel abroad program and its requirements, please contact the 留学办公室 at 757-683-5378 or studyabroad@htvdirect.net.

最靠谱的网赌软件要求所有在校园举办活动或项目的组织/用户参加非odu活动, 投保责任保险. 用户必须在活动前一周向预订活动的办公室提供此类保险证明(保险证明). 这一要求可以通过购买一般责任保单或提供保险证书来满足. 最靠谱的网赌软件 does 不 endorse any one insurance company as there are many to choose from, but the below information may be an option for your event.

郁金香是一种 租户及使用者责任保险单,也被称为“事件报道”. It is used by institutions who permit "third parties" to use their facilities for specific events. 它保护设施使用者和机构免受第三方的索赔,这些第三方可能因参加活动而受伤或损失财产. 事件 may range from very low risk events such as classroom seminars, receptions or weddings to higher risk events including camps, 体育赛事或摇滚音乐会.

购买此保险,请访问: http://tulip.ajgrms.com


最靠谱的网赌软件要求所有在校园举办活动或项目的非大学运动营地都要投保2美元的一般责任保险,000,每发生一次000美元和3美元,000,000 annual aggregate adding ODU as an Additional Insured, 以及必须提供给ODU的证明一般责任保险的保险证书 之前 夏令营活动. 最靠谱的网赌软件 does 不 endorse any one insurance company as there are many to choose from, but the below information may be a good option for your camp program.

The 乌尔米娅运动营保险计划 provides low-cost, 为您的营地提供一流的体育特定保险,并允许您指定您正在使用的大学设施作为额外保险. The 乌尔米娅运动营保险计划 protects the camp, 它的教练和辅导员, 主办机构反对个人因参加体育训练营而受伤的索赔. 请阅读 运动营保险计划手册 for more information and a breakdown of the policy limits.

购买此保险,请访问: http://ucamps.rpsins.com/

大学政策3015 requires operators of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS- also known as Drones, Aerials and Other Powered Model Aircraft) 获得 an ODU-issued 运营商的许可, be 联邦航空总局注册, and to have and maintain UAS/Drone insurance coverage.

大多数商业责任政策和个人房主和租户政策不包括无人机/无人机操作的责任保险. Therefore, operators will need to secure coverage separately.

  • 商业运营商 will need to provide a Certificate of 保险 showing at least $2,000,包括旧道明大学作为其UAS/无人机航空保险的额外保险.
  • 爱好者运营商 need to provide evidence of insurance coverage as well, and can work with the ODU无人机俱乐部 获得 航空模型学会(AMA) 成员资格,其中包括ODU所需的覆盖范围.
  • 其他无人机系统运营商 需要获得UAS/无人机保险的可联系 全球航空, an aviation insurance company offering on-demand UAS/Drone insurance coverage for around $10 per hour.





