

We strive to provide the best possible counsel, advocacy and personal service to the campus community through our commitment to:

  • Fully comprehend the unique needs of our clients
  • Develop and deploy programs to prevent, control, and minimize the University's risk of loss
  • Provide an effective network of innovative risk management and insurance tools and solutions
  • Provide a 专业, creative, and results-oriented client support team, and
  • Exceed the expectations of the University community and affiliate partners



最靠谱的网赌软件合并 企业风险管理 (ERM) methodology and practices into its overall strategic planning.

维吉尼亚联邦通过维吉尼亚联邦风险管理计划(Plan)为所有州政府机构及其人员提供全球保险保护。. 在一般情况下, 保险范围包括一般责任, 专业, 和汽车), property, 医疗事故, 汽车物理损坏(汽车护理), 忠实保证书(忠实履约与犯罪), 和船舶.

Faculty, staff, 及其他在其受雇范围内行事的代理人,均受计划所涵盖.

Students are covered only while participating in an authorized scope of a clinical, 实习, 校外实习, or other educational program in order to meet pedagogical requirements.

  1. 校外事故请致电弗吉尼亚州警察局(800-582-8350),校园事故请致电大学警察局(757-683-4000)。.
  2. 请填写位于所有国有车辆仪表盘箱内的事故包中的文件.
  3. 联系你的主管.
  4. Contact the 风险管理办公室 (757-683-4009) and complete an 汽车意外损失表 事故发生后24小时内.
  5. If you're an employee injured while on official business, also submit a 工伤赔偿意外报告 给人力资源部的表格.

No. The owner of a vehicle is financially responsible for losses due to the operation of that vehicle. 弗吉尼亚联邦的风险管理计划可能会提供超出保单范围的防御和支付. The PLAN would still only pay up to $2,000,000 excess of your personal policy limits.

非国家机关工作人员经国家机关有关人员授权,可以驾驶国有车辆. 任何获得授权驾驶国有车辆从事国有业务的人都被视为代理人,并受弗吉尼亚州联邦风险管理计划的保护.


教员的个人财产, staff, students, 承包商, and visitors is ordinarily excluded from coverage. 这个政策的例外是当财产是书面雇佣条件,你提供自己的工具, 设备, camera, computer, etc. and that has been agreed to before a loss, then the items are covered. 本协议的副本必须在风险管理(ORM)和人力资源办公室存档,并附有项目及其价值的逐项清单. 这一要求必须在丢失/损坏之前记录在职位描述(PD)或部门主管给ORM和人力资源部的备忘录中. Upon the loss or damage contact the 大学警察 (757-683-4000) and the ORM (757-683-4009). Otherwise coverage can usually be found under a homeowner's policy.


如果有可能将被盗/损坏的物品更换为丢失的同一品牌和型号, 你应该这样做. The State reimburses the University for replacement with the same model or nearest equivalent. 在某些情况下,由于某些项目的停产,不可能用确切的模型替换项目. In those cases, you would need to find the nearest equivalent to the lost or damaged item(s). 如果您这样做,您必须提供原始产品的规格和更换类似产品的规格. 如果您选择升级该项目, instead of purchasing the same item or nearest equivalent, 风险管理办公室将向ODU偿还该项目的成本减去升级该项目的任何费用.

将事件报告至 大学警察 (757-683-4000) and the 风险管理办公室 (757-683-4009).

The University insures all the property it owns, on and off campus. Under certain circumstances it also insures property departments rent, lease, or borrow. Property coverage is worldwide and is based on the actual replacement or repair cost. 此外,每项索赔还有1,000美元的免赔额,由遭受损失的部门支付.

如果有迫在眉睫的危险,拨打911, otherwise notify the department responsible and the 风险管理办公室 (757-683-4009).

如果你知道某人可能正在经历一段困难时期,或者他们的演讲引起了安全问题, behavior, 或手势, you may also report your concerns to the University's 威胁教育评估小组 (团队)填写一份 关注转介表格.

首先寻求医疗救助. 如果受伤严重,请联系大学警察(757-683-4000)和风险管理办公室(757-683-4009)。. 如果你是员工,请联系 人力资源 ,并提交a 工伤赔偿意外报告.

No, 所有的供应商, 承包商, and other groups using ODU property must show proof of their own insurance.

强烈建议准备一份书面合同或谅解备忘录,说明双方的责任. 在一般情况下, the landlord should be responsible for the safe condition of the facility. ODU只应对事件及其雇员和代理人的疏忽行为或不作为负责. Items like security, parking, and maintenance should be addressed in the contract. 如果房东坚持ODU赔偿, 持有无害的, or make the property owner an additional insured, the matter must be referred to the 风险管理办公室 (ORM) and/or 大学法律顾问. 除了, 如果请求, ocm将向另一方发送一份保险证书,以证明ODU的保险范围.

The 风险管理办公室 (ORM) provides proof of insurance coverage. If you need to provide proof of coverage and there is no MOU, contract, or other written agreement you can download and email the company/institution the 责任保险备忘录文件 或者把这个链接发给他们.

如果有谅解备忘录的话, contract, 或其他书面协议,我们的办公室将需要审查文件是否符合联邦风险管理计划和侵权索赔法. You can then upload the document as an attachment when you submit your Request for a Certificate of Coverage/Insurance online at this link. 所有书面协议必须符合政策#1500:合同批准授权,并由大学法律顾问批准.

某些学校和学院, due to the volume of certificates being issued, have a contract pre-approval process in place for affiliation agreements. 这种预先批准程序应继续用于那些需要承保/保险证书的学校和学院.

Contact the 风险管理办公室 prior to putting the watercraft in service. Be prepared to provide the following information:

  • 对船只的有价值的估价
  • 船体制造,尺寸和识别号码

  • Only certain campus officials are authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the University. 在做任何事情之前,先咨询一下 大学法律顾问 and/or 采购部.
  • 用于采购订单和采购合同, boilerplate language specifies the kind of insurance the vendor is to supply, so queries should be directed to the 采购部.
  • For leases or other contracts involving the use of outside property, consult 大学法律顾问 and/or 采购部.
  • These offices coordinate their insurance strategies with the 风险管理办公室, 所以没必要直接打电话给我们.

No. 根据实习/实习/附属协议进行实习/实习的学生不是志愿者.