Student 外展 & 支持

Student 外展 & 支持 (SOS) is a service within the Dean of Students' 办公室. SOS为遇到行政、学术或个人障碍的学生提供支持. SOS works collaboratively with ODU's Care Team, 并在这里帮助学生实现他们的个人和学业目标.

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紧急 资源

紧急学生援助可用于不可预见的情况,包括蓝色巨人的衣橱, meal and book vouchers, internet service, 和更多的.

援助类型 Office 联系 Details
紧急 Grant

Student Engagement & Enrollment 服务 2008 Webb Center

指导方针: Grant application Link

Funds are disbursed directly to vendors/businesses.

GPA Requirements:

本科 Students - 2.平均绩点

研究生 Students - 3.平均绩点

Monarch Clothing 关闭t 还有VAB 1007
Monarch Internship & 合作社办公室; 卡拉布恩,领导 & 学习; and Dr. Connie Merriman, School of Continuing Education

Open Monday through Thursday 1 - 4:30pm

Monarch Food Pantry 1541 Webb Center

Limit(s): Students can once per week

指导方针: 订单链接


Dean of Students Office 2008 Webb Center
(757) 683-3442

Limit(s): One-time meal card (5 meal swipes per card). Limited availability

注意事项:请通过电话或电子邮件与教务处联系. Walk-ins welcomed.



Dean of Students Office 2008 Webb Center
(757) 683-3442


指导方针: Dean of Students Partners with Auxiliary 服务


(Formerly known as food stamps)

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Limit(s): Varies

指导方针: The USDA has temporarily expanded 提前 eligibility 在高等教育机构至少兼职注册的学生

紧急 Internet 服务 United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC)


指南:经济实惠的连接计划登录或创建一个新帐户到 complete ACP application online

由于有文件证明的情有可原的情况而经历不可预见的财务紧急情况的学生可以申请紧急财务补助金. When awarded, funds are paid directly to third-party vendors. Grant funds are not able to be paid to students directly.  


To apply, students must:


  • Be in good academic standing (undergraduate - 2.0 GPA or above/ graduate - 3.0 GPA or above),
  • Be meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress through 金融援助
  • Be a degree-seeking student with plans to continue enrollment
  • Provide documentation of the extenuating circumstance.
  • 提供当前需要支付的账单或费用的文件.



When to Make a Referral 

教师 members, 工作人员, 同学们可能会在学生经历悲剧或似乎陷入困境后关心学生的福祉. 需要额外照顾和支持的学生通常表现出以下一种或多种迹象.


  • Significant changes in energy
  • Significant weight loss
  • Worrisome changes in hygiene
  • Notiecable cuts, bruises, or burns
  • Sleeping in class/other inappropriate times
  • Frequent intoxication

Emotional Signs

  • Inappropriate emotional outbursts
  • Direct statements indicating distress
  • Expressions of hopelessness or suicide
  • Behavior that draws peer concern
  • 夸大的个性特征(比平时更孤僻或活泼)


  • Deterioration in academic work
  • Disorganized or erratic performance
  • Repeated absences and missed assignments
  • Ranting or threatening emails
  • Continual seeking of special exceptions

*List created by the University of South Carolina; used with permission

When to Seek 服务

Student 外展 & 支持可以帮助学生克服大学生涯中的障碍. You can visit SOS for a variety of reasons:

  • 你需要一个 administrative withdrawal
  • 你需要一个 extended absence notification
  • You need information on how to submit a student complaint
  • You need clarification on University procedures
  • 你是一名处于困境中的学生,或者最近经历了一场意想不到的悲剧
  • 你需要指导来解决你与教授或学术部门之间的问题

Make an appointment 或电子邮件 for more information.

We encourage you to alert Student 外展 & 支持 if you are concerned about a student's wellbeing. SOS将评估情况,提供支持,并根据需要转介. This can include referral to ODU Cares by emailing oducares@htvdirect.netsumitting a Care Referral to the Care Team, or providing students information about 咨询 服务.

Extended Absence FAQ

  • 学生身体或精神疾病(包括住院治疗)的长期(至少一周)-由医生的声明或其他印有官方抬头的医疗支持证明.
  • 学生的直系亲属(包括住院治疗)长期(至少一周)患有身体或精神疾病(包括住院治疗),并由医生证明或其他印有官方抬头的医疗支持证明.
  • Death of a student's immediate family member.
  • Involuntary changes in employment schedule or military orders.

SOS不会为短暂的、自限性疾病提供缺席通知. 据了解,在学年的正常课程中,短暂的自限性疾病是常见的,可以由学生自己照顾. 学生有责任通知老师生病,并安排错过的作业.

医生证明、事故报告、军令或讣告. 请注意,所提供的任何文件均须经核实. SOS will not accept medical documentation.

You have five business days to request an absence notification. 本学期最后一天上课后,申请将不予受理.

No, 缺勤通知核实导致学生缺勤的情有可原的情况. 然后,你的导师将决定是否要请假.

You may complete an Extened Absence Notification form online by 点击这里.

SOS将审核请求和文件并决定是否批准. If a request is approved, SOS将以学生的名义通知所有教授正在处理缺课通知的请求. 该学生将被列入通知,然后应与每位教师就每门课程的具体情况进行跟进.

如果学生的请求或文件不完整或不足以批准, SOS will contact the student for additional information, or in cases w在这里 a notification cannot be sent, to discuss other options available to the student.

是的, 如果你已经错过了一个星期或更多的在线课程,由于情有可原的情况, you can submit an EAN request. While your absence may not be a physical absence from a classroom, you may have missed deadline or synchronous virtual class meetings.

如果学生因情有可依的情况(医疗或其他原因)缺席一周或更长时间,SOS会通知教师, death in immediate family, 等.). This notification serves as a verification of extenuating circumstances; all decisions about excused absences and make up work are made at the discretion of the instructor.

Administrative Withdrawals FAQ

行政退学允许学生要求从整个学期的课程,由于有文件证明的情有可原的情况. 申请可以在其他退出截止日期过了一个学期后提交, including after the semester has ended.

If your Administrative Withdrawal request is approved, all of your grades for the semester of request will become "W"s. 请注意,所有成绩都会改变,包括那些你可能已经通过的课程.

No. The University only has one letter grade to denote Withdrawal. Your transcript will only show a "W".

学生有最多一年的时间提交行政撤回申请. 请注意,一年是从申请学期开始算起, if your request is for Spring 2019, 你必须在2020年春季学期开始之前提交你的申请).

If you would like to submit a request after the one year timeframe, 你可以这样做, and your request will be reviewed by an appeals committee. In addition to the 申请表 and supporting documentation, 您还需要提交一份声明,其中包括令人信服的证据,解释学生无法在一个日历年内提交请求. 您可以附上支持您的陈述的任何其他文件以供审查.

支持您的请求所需的文件类型将取决于您的请求的基础. 下面的列表提供了可能需要的文档示例. 如果您对您的具体情况有疑问,请随时联系SOS.

  • 学生的医疗/心理健康状况:由学生的医疗保健提供者提供的支持信,表明, 由于学生在本学期的医疗诊断/情况/治疗, the provider supports withdrawal. 信件应打印、注明日期、抬头,并由提供商签署.
  • 直系亲属的医疗/精神健康状况:由该家庭成员的医疗保健提供者出具的支持信,表明, 由于家庭成员在本学期的医疗诊断/情况/治疗, and the student's role as a care provider, the provider supports withdrawal. 信件应打印、注明日期、抬头,并由提供商签署.
  • Death of an Immediate Family Member: obituary, copy of a funeral program listing the student as a family member, or death certificate.
  • 就业或军事要求的非自愿变更:学生雇主或指挥官的正式信函,概述就业的具体变化(时间表的变化), 搬迁, increased workload) and potential impact on coursework. 信件必须打印、注明日期、抬头,并由雇主/指挥官签署.

You can submit your request and documentation through the 申请表 在这里. 一旦SOS收到您的请求和支持文件,您的请求将被审查. 如果获得批准,您将收到电子邮件通知(您的ODU学生电子邮件帐户)。. If denied, you will receive notice by email. If your request requires additional information or documentation, SOS will contact you to discuss your request further.

一旦提交了完整的请求(包括请求表格和支持文件), SOS可能需要两周的时间来审核和处理您的请求. Please note that once the notification of approval is sent, 注册办公室可能需要额外的一周时间来更新你的成绩单.

学生可以申请行政退学,如果他们经历了情有可原的情况(医疗, family financial hardship, death of an immediate family member). 如获批准,该生将在该学期内退学.

ODU is a Caring 社区

ODUCares是ODU社区的承诺,为学生提供定制的支持,以确保他们的成功. 关怀小组为经历意外危机或陷入困境的学生提供全校范围的关怀和支持系统. 它的作用是确定解决问题的有效策略,并将学生与适当的资源联系起来.

Care Team Members

  • 咨询 服务
  • Educational 可访问性
  • ODU Police Department
  • Student Conduct & Academic Integrity
  • University Chaplains Association
  • Academic Enhancement
  • 住房 & 居住生活
  • Student 健康 服务
  • Student 外展 & 支持
  • 女性中心

Submit a referral to the ODU Cares Team for students of concern. ODU关怀小组将审查所关注的问题并进行适当的后续行动

If you need to report an emergency, call the Old Dominion University Police at 757-683-4000, 或者拨打911.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (提前)

As an Old Dominion University student, 你可能有资格申请补充营养援助计划!

提前,以前被称为食品券,是美国联邦政府的一个项目.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition 服务. 提前通过电子福利卡(EBT)每月向个人提供福利,以补充购买营养食品的费用. The EBT can be used to purchase fruits and vegetables; meat, 家禽, and fish; dairy products; breads and cereals; and other foods such as snack foods and non-alcoholic beverages.

Student eligibility for 提前 benefits is based on:

  • 在学年期间参加州或联邦资助的勤工俭学的资格(不需要实际参加), or
  • 本学年预期家庭供款额为$0

Affordability Connectivity Program

If you are a federal Pell Grant recipient, you are eligible to apply for the Affordable Connectivity Program!

平价上网计划(ACP)是联邦通信委员会(FCC)的一项福利计划,旨在帮助确保家庭能够负担得起工作所需的互联网, 学校, 和更多的.

Benefits of ACP include:

  • Up to $30/month discount on your internet service
  • A one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, 平板电脑, 或者电脑(自付额在10美元以上但不到50美元)

应用 online in less than 10 minutes!

  1. Create a new account to complete ACP application online
    *Select: The state w在这里 you would like service
    *Provide the address w在这里 you would like service
    *Select: Qualify by yourself
  2. Login and select option #2: 应用 for ACP
  3. Select: Federal Pell Grant in the current year award
  4. Fill out the ACP QuestionnaireRelease information
    *Proof may be required one day, but not now
  5. 确认信息将发送到您提供的电子邮件地址, including next steps and a deadline to sign up for service
  6. 联系 the provider you have selected and begin the setup process

紧急 资源

紧急学生援助可用于不可预见的情况,包括蓝色巨人的衣橱, meal and book vouchers, internet service, 和更多的.

援助类型 Office 联系 Details
紧急 Grant

Student Engagement & Enrollment 服务 2008 Webb Center

指导方针: Grant application Link

Funds are disbursed directly to vendors/businesses.

GPA Requirements:

本科 Students - 2.平均绩点

研究生 Students - 3.平均绩点

Monarch Clothing 关闭t 还有VAB 1007
Monarch Internship & 合作社办公室; 卡拉布恩,领导 & 学习; and Dr. Connie Merriman, School of Continuing Education

Open Monday through Thursday 1 - 4:30pm

Monarch Food Pantry 1541 Webb Center

Limit(s): Students can once per week

指导方针: 订单链接


Dean of Students Office 2008 Webb Center
(757) 683-3442

Limit(s): One-time meal card (5 meal swipes per card). Limited availability

注意事项:请通过电话或电子邮件与教务处联系. Walk-ins welcomed.



Dean of Students Office 2008 Webb Center
(757) 683-3442


指导方针: Dean of Students Partners with Auxiliary 服务


(Formerly known as food stamps)

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Limit(s): Varies

指导方针: The USDA has temporarily expanded 提前 eligibility 在高等教育机构至少兼职注册的学生

紧急 Internet 服务 United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC)


指南:经济实惠的连接计划登录或创建一个新帐户到 complete ACP application online

由于有文件证明的情有可原的情况而经历不可预见的财务紧急情况的学生可以申请紧急财务补助金. When awarded, funds are paid directly to third-party vendors. Grant funds are not able to be paid to students directly.  


To apply, students must:


  • Be in good academic standing (undergraduate - 2.0 GPA or above/ graduate - 3.0 GPA or above),
  • Be meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress through 金融援助
  • Be a degree-seeking student with plans to continue enrollment
  • Provide documentation of the extenuating circumstance.
  • 提供当前需要支付的账单或费用的文件.



When to Make a Referral 

教师 members, 工作人员, 同学们可能会在学生经历悲剧或似乎陷入困境后关心学生的福祉. 需要额外照顾和支持的学生通常表现出以下一种或多种迹象.


  • Significant changes in energy
  • Significant weight loss
  • Worrisome changes in hygiene
  • Notiecable cuts, bruises, or burns
  • Sleeping in class/other inappropriate times
  • Frequent intoxication

Emotional Signs

  • Inappropriate emotional outbursts
  • Direct statements indicating distress
  • Expressions of hopelessness or suicide
  • Behavior that draws peer concern
  • 夸大的个性特征(比平时更孤僻或活泼)


  • Deterioration in academic work
  • Disorganized or erratic performance
  • Repeated absences and missed assignments
  • Ranting or threatening emails
  • Continual seeking of special exceptions

*List created by the University of South Carolina; used with permission

When to Seek 服务

Student 外展 & 支持可以帮助学生克服大学生涯中的障碍. You can visit SOS for a variety of reasons:

  • 你需要一个 administrative withdrawal
  • 你需要一个 extended absence notification
  • You need information on how to submit a student complaint
  • You need clarification on University procedures
  • 你是一名处于困境中的学生,或者最近经历了一场意想不到的悲剧
  • 你需要指导来解决你与教授或学术部门之间的问题

Make an appointment 或电子邮件 for more information.

We encourage you to alert Student 外展 & 支持 if you are concerned about a student's wellbeing. SOS将评估情况,提供支持,并根据需要转介. This can include referral to ODU Cares by emailing oducares@htvdirect.netsumitting a Care Referral to the Care Team, or providing students information about 咨询 服务.

Extended Absence FAQ

  • 学生身体或精神疾病(包括住院治疗)的长期(至少一周)-由医生的声明或其他印有官方抬头的医疗支持证明.
  • 学生的直系亲属(包括住院治疗)长期(至少一周)患有身体或精神疾病(包括住院治疗),并由医生证明或其他印有官方抬头的医疗支持证明.
  • Death of a student's immediate family member.
  • Involuntary changes in employment schedule or military orders.

SOS不会为短暂的、自限性疾病提供缺席通知. 据了解,在学年的正常课程中,短暂的自限性疾病是常见的,可以由学生自己照顾. 学生有责任通知老师生病,并安排错过的作业.

医生证明、事故报告、军令或讣告. 请注意,所提供的任何文件均须经核实. SOS will not accept medical documentation.

You have five business days to request an absence notification. 本学期最后一天上课后,申请将不予受理.

No, 缺勤通知核实导致学生缺勤的情有可原的情况. 然后,你的导师将决定是否要请假.

You may complete an Extened Absence Notification form online by 点击这里.

SOS将审核请求和文件并决定是否批准. If a request is approved, SOS将以学生的名义通知所有教授正在处理缺课通知的请求. 该学生将被列入通知,然后应与每位教师就每门课程的具体情况进行跟进.

如果学生的请求或文件不完整或不足以批准, SOS will contact the student for additional information, or in cases w在这里 a notification cannot be sent, to discuss other options available to the student.

是的, 如果你已经错过了一个星期或更多的在线课程,由于情有可原的情况, you can submit an EAN request. While your absence may not be a physical absence from a classroom, you may have missed deadline or synchronous virtual class meetings.

如果学生因情有可依的情况(医疗或其他原因)缺席一周或更长时间,SOS会通知教师, death in immediate family, 等.). This notification serves as a verification of extenuating circumstances; all decisions about excused absences and make up work are made at the discretion of the instructor.

Administrative Withdrawals FAQ

行政退学允许学生要求从整个学期的课程,由于有文件证明的情有可原的情况. 申请可以在其他退出截止日期过了一个学期后提交, including after the semester has ended.

If your Administrative Withdrawal request is approved, all of your grades for the semester of request will become "W"s. 请注意,所有成绩都会改变,包括那些你可能已经通过的课程.

No. The University only has one letter grade to denote Withdrawal. Your transcript will only show a "W".

学生有最多一年的时间提交行政撤回申请. 请注意,一年是从申请学期开始算起, if your request is for Spring 2019, 你必须在2020年春季学期开始之前提交你的申请).

If you would like to submit a request after the one year timeframe, 你可以这样做, and your request will be reviewed by an appeals committee. In addition to the 申请表 and supporting documentation, 您还需要提交一份声明,其中包括令人信服的证据,解释学生无法在一个日历年内提交请求. 您可以附上支持您的陈述的任何其他文件以供审查.

支持您的请求所需的文件类型将取决于您的请求的基础. 下面的列表提供了可能需要的文档示例. 如果您对您的具体情况有疑问,请随时联系SOS.

  • 学生的医疗/心理健康状况:由学生的医疗保健提供者提供的支持信,表明, 由于学生在本学期的医疗诊断/情况/治疗, the provider supports withdrawal. 信件应打印、注明日期、抬头,并由提供商签署.
  • 直系亲属的医疗/精神健康状况:由该家庭成员的医疗保健提供者出具的支持信,表明, 由于家庭成员在本学期的医疗诊断/情况/治疗, and the student's role as a care provider, the provider supports withdrawal. 信件应打印、注明日期、抬头,并由提供商签署.
  • Death of an Immediate Family Member: obituary, copy of a funeral program listing the student as a family member, or death certificate.
  • 就业或军事要求的非自愿变更:学生雇主或指挥官的正式信函,概述就业的具体变化(时间表的变化), 搬迁, increased workload) and potential impact on coursework. 信件必须打印、注明日期、抬头,并由雇主/指挥官签署.

You can submit your request and documentation through the 申请表 在这里. 一旦SOS收到您的请求和支持文件,您的请求将被审查. 如果获得批准,您将收到电子邮件通知(您的ODU学生电子邮件帐户)。. If denied, you will receive notice by email. If your request requires additional information or documentation, SOS will contact you to discuss your request further.

一旦提交了完整的请求(包括请求表格和支持文件), SOS可能需要两周的时间来审核和处理您的请求. Please note that once the notification of approval is sent, 注册办公室可能需要额外的一周时间来更新你的成绩单.

学生可以申请行政退学,如果他们经历了情有可原的情况(医疗, family financial hardship, death of an immediate family member). 如获批准,该生将在该学期内退学.

ODU is a Caring 社区

ODUCares是ODU社区的承诺,为学生提供定制的支持,以确保他们的成功. 关怀小组为经历意外危机或陷入困境的学生提供全校范围的关怀和支持系统. 它的作用是确定解决问题的有效策略,并将学生与适当的资源联系起来.

Care Team Members

  • 咨询 服务
  • Educational 可访问性
  • ODU Police Department
  • Student Conduct & Academic Integrity
  • University Chaplains Association
  • Academic Enhancement
  • 住房 & 居住生活
  • Student 健康 服务
  • Student 外展 & 支持
  • 女性中心

Submit a referral to the ODU Cares Team for students of concern. ODU关怀小组将审查所关注的问题并进行适当的后续行动

If you need to report an emergency, call the Old Dominion University Police at 757-683-4000, 或者拨打911.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (提前)

As an Old Dominion University student, 你可能有资格申请补充营养援助计划!

提前,以前被称为食品券,是美国联邦政府的一个项目.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition 服务. 提前通过电子福利卡(EBT)每月向个人提供福利,以补充购买营养食品的费用. The EBT can be used to purchase fruits and vegetables; meat, 家禽, and fish; dairy products; breads and cereals; and other foods such as snack foods and non-alcoholic beverages.

Student eligibility for 提前 benefits is based on:

  • 在学年期间参加州或联邦资助的勤工俭学的资格(不需要实际参加), or
  • 本学年预期家庭供款额为$0

Affordability Connectivity Program

If you are a federal Pell Grant recipient, you are eligible to apply for the Affordable Connectivity Program!

平价上网计划(ACP)是联邦通信委员会(FCC)的一项福利计划,旨在帮助确保家庭能够负担得起工作所需的互联网, 学校, 和更多的.

Benefits of ACP include:

  • Up to $30/month discount on your internet service
  • A one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, 平板电脑, 或者电脑(自付额在10美元以上但不到50美元)

应用 online in less than 10 minutes!

  1. Create a new account to complete ACP application online
    *Select: The state w在这里 you would like service
    *Provide the address w在这里 you would like service
    *Select: Qualify by yourself
  2. Login and select option #2: 应用 for ACP
  3. Select: Federal Pell Grant in the current year award
  4. Fill out the ACP QuestionnaireRelease information
    *Proof may be required one day, but not now
  5. 确认信息将发送到您提供的电子邮件地址, including next steps and a deadline to sign up for service
  6. 联系 the provider you have selected and begin the setup process