

加载 is a major tool in successful talent management and is critical for successful employee integration. 加载 creates an understanding of the organizational culture that helps the newly hired employee feel better connected to the organizationʼ s business strategy and creates a sense of belonging. Implementing a well-managed on-boarding process can have a significant and measurable impact on employee productivity, 保留, 就业品牌, services, 工作场所安全, 以及未来的招聘.

监事 play an important role in onboarding -- the checklist ensures you cover all bases.

ODU uses Onboard for all 新员工文书工作 and documentation to be completed electronically.

参考新员工欢迎(N .).E.W.)页面,作为成为君主的资源.


加载 refers to the process of welcoming new employees and helping them adjust to the expectations and climate of their new job. It also accomplishes requirements that supervisors have to inform employees about key policies.

研究表明,如果入职工作做得好, 结果包括更高的工作满意度, 对代理机构的承诺, 更低的人员流动率, 更高的性能水平, 职业效率和压力降低! 入职的最终目标是 完全投入和高效的员工.



The collection and processing of new employee data including employment and benefits forms, 背景调查, 安全访问.


让他们尽快充分发挥生产力(分配工作站), setting up accounts; and ordering equipment/supplies.


Making them feel part of “the team” (cultural assimilation; conveying policies and expectations; building relationships and providing support.)


当工作机会延长时,就开始准备入职 & accepted.

  • 从候选人被录用并接受职位开始.
  • 新雇员与人力资源部有联系 & 主管作为主要联系人.
  • The supervisor makes arrangements for the employeeʼs work station and basic equipment and supplies and assigns the work buddy/mentor.
  • 人力资源 contacts the employee to notify him/her of information and documents needed for the first day and to see if he/she has any questions about the job or benefits.

A new on-campus employee that is hired through a recruitment may receive the following from HR:

  • 欢迎信
  • 临时停车贴
  • 健康福利费率表
  • 韦伯中心地图


入职培训将继续进行,直到员工能够完全发挥作用 & 富有成效,可以持续长达12个月.

  • 全面、广泛和持续的员工整合
  • 当工作机会被延长并被接受时开始
  • 持续几个月
  • Introduction to organizationʼs structure, mission, vision, values, and business strategies
  • 社会化过程中了解组织文化和礼仪


  • 给新员工积极的体验
  • 提供持续、清晰和简明的沟通渠道
  • 在每个组织层面提供学习目标
  • 新员工与关键业务战略保持一致
  • Sets milestone measures to determine new employee success and the time-to-productivity
  • 强化企业用人品牌


  • 主管应该进行彻底的评估, 确保所有必要的信息都已共享, 解决员工的问题和担忧.
  • 监事应准备年度报告 绩效评估.


请参阅 离开大学 有关员工离职流程的更多信息.

当工作机会延长时,就开始准备入职 & accepted.

  • 从候选人被录用并接受职位开始.
  • 新雇员与人力资源部有联系 & 主管作为主要联系人.
  • The supervisor makes arrangements for the employeeʼs work station and basic equipment and supplies and assigns the work buddy/mentor.
  • 人力资源 contacts the employee to notify him/her of information and documents needed for the first day and to see if he/she has any questions about the job or benefits.

A new on-campus employee that is hired through a recruitment may receive the following from HR:

  • 欢迎信
  • 临时停车贴
  • 健康福利费率表
  • 韦伯中心地图


入职培训将继续进行,直到员工能够完全发挥作用 & 富有成效,可以持续长达12个月.

  • 全面、广泛和持续的员工整合
  • 当工作机会被延长并被接受时开始
  • 持续几个月
  • Introduction to organizationʼs structure, mission, vision, values, and business strategies
  • 社会化过程中了解组织文化和礼仪


  • 给新员工积极的体验
  • 提供持续、清晰和简明的沟通渠道
  • 在每个组织层面提供学习目标
  • 新员工与关键业务战略保持一致
  • Sets milestone measures to determine new employee success and the time-to-productivity
  • 强化企业用人品牌


  • 主管应该进行彻底的评估, 确保所有必要的信息都已共享, 解决员工的问题和担忧.
  • 监事应准备年度报告 绩效评估.


请参阅 离开大学 有关员工离职流程的更多信息.


Hr Stock

One of the most important relationships the new employee will have is the relation with the supervisor. Research shows that most employee turnover is ultimately caused by the relationship the employee has with his or her supervisor. Therefore, the supervisor should be proactive and engaged in facilitating the employeeʼs integration into the organization. 这使得吸收新员工的能力成为主管的核心竞争力.

An employeeʼs immediate supervisor ultimately controls his or her project assignments, 教育机会和职业发展. Therefore, 花时间提供信息的主管, 讨论问题, 关注员工的同化, 谁知道员工能做什么,想做什么, 会做出更明智的决定,并随着时间的推移建立忠诚吗.


  • 如果你没有提出这个提议, please contact the new employee to congratulate and welcome them to the ODU community and Monarch Family via phone or in person.
  • Inform the employee of the importance of reading the hire letter and notifications sent them via email.
  • 指引员工前往 欢迎新员工 资讯及资源网页.
  • 询问他们此时是否有任何问题. 把你的最靠谱的网赌软件告诉他们,以便他们有问题可以找你.

  • 为新员工打扫办公室或工作空间. Be sure to include a welcome card from the team or "swag" item to make the new employee feel welcome as a new Monarch.
  • 确保基本工具(纸,笔等).)是为新员工准备的.

  • Make an announcement to the team and department of the new employee (email or Teams is fine). 提供一个简单的背景(如经验、教育等).)和开始日期.
  • Be sure to include others outside the department whom the employee will likely work closely with.

  • 验证员工已经设置了他们的MIDAS帐户. If not, be sure to imform the employee the MIDAS account must be setup in order to access their new hire documentation (online in Onboard).
  • Ask if employee has any questions regarding MIDAS setup and provide assistance as needed.

  • 完成新员工的电脑账号申请:


If the position allows for business cards, supervisors are responsible for ordering them.

  • Be sure to contact the employee to verify the information and style of business card they would like.
  • Complete 名片订购表格 员工(如适用于其职位).

These checklists include all required - and recommended - topics for supervisors of different employee types. 监事 should discuss each item on the checklist with the new employee and check the space beside the topic as discussed. 员工和主管应提供 电子签名 表示涵盖了主题. Supervisor should retain a copy in the supervisor's file and complete onboarding within one week of the employee's attendance at 新员工培训 (NEO). Be sure during this time to provide walkthroughs of processes and procedures such as Web Time Entry (WTE)也.



人力资源' role begins early in the on-boarding process during the recruitment and hiring phase. 人力资源人员可以:

  • 提供入职流程的概述
  • 确保新员工和福利文件的完成
  • 解释工资、福利和其他相关的雇佣信息


The employeeʼs teammates are the co-workers who will work with the employee on a day-to-day basis. They should make the employee feel welcome and support them until they are fully productive. 这可能看起来像:

  • 解释团队如何作为一个团队一起工作
  • 解释如何完成任务 & 如何获取物资
  • 回答日常问题


The Information 技术服务 (ITS) department ensures that the employee has the technology needed to perform the job. 这可能包括:

  • 建立计算机和网络设置(e).g. 所需软件、硬件及网络登录)
  • 确保电子邮件设置(具有访问权限和密码)
  • 通过语音邮件建立电话接入



Big Blue


  • Keeps the new employee engaged and excited about the organization and his/her choice to accept the position
  • 减少员工达到期望的生产力水平所需的时间
  • 建立忠诚


  • 确保员工感到受欢迎, 是组织中有价值的一部分, 并尽快适应工作环境, 这些都对员工的成功至关重要


  • 可以根据雇员在雇佣的前30-90天的待遇来决定吗
  • Can be affected by the support the employee receives in developing and progressing in his/her career