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University Relations Gradient

奖助金 & 合同 for February 2021

RESEARCH Foundation February 2021 New Project 资金 Activations

SHARANA ASUNDI, Mechanical & 航空航天英格, DIMITRIE POPESCU, Development of A Novel Remote Sensing Receiver (DiBAR), 阻抗探针, And A Visual+Nir Sensor for A 3U Cubesat 技术 Demonstration of In-Situ Space Measurement and Earth Remote Sensing; Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $10,000.00.

奥兰多AYALA, 工程技术, 劳尔BRICENO, 乔凡娜GENARD, 艾伦·梅卡, 2021 ODU Remote Experience for Young Engineers and Scientists REYES; Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $10,066.00.

约书亚原意, VMASC, 拉斐尔·迪亚兹, Juita (wei) yusuf, SCC-CIVIC-PG Track B Convergence, 库存匹配, And Assignment (CIMA) To Optimize Post-Event 住房 Repair for Displaced Vulnerable Populations; National Science Foundation, $50,000.00.

彼得·伯纳斯,化学 & Biochemistry, Spectroscopy for Exoplanets; NASA Headquarters, $506,427.00.

DAVID BOWLES, VMASC, THOMAS ALLEN, IRAD: Hydrodrone Pilot; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $15,000.00.

大卫BURDIGE, 海洋与地球科学, Collaborative RESEARCH: Peptide Deamination as A Source of Refractory Dissolved Organic Matter in Marine Sediments; National Science Foundation, $30,651.00.

NICOLAOS CHRISOCHOIDES, 计算机科学, 查尔斯·海德, Next-Generation Imaging Filters and Mesh-Based Data Representation for Phase-Space Calculations in Nuclear Femtography; Southeastern Universities RESEARCH Association (SURA), $40,000.00.

乔安娜·加纳, Center for Ed Partnership, Game Changers: Advancing Informal Invention Education and Identity Work for Public and Professional Audiences Via an Exhibition, Community项目, And RESEARCH on Inventiveness and Innovation in 体育; Lemelson Center for The Study of Invention and Innovation, $82,025.00.

维多利亚山, 海洋与地球科学, Mapping Melt Pond Development on Artic Seasonal Sea Ice Using High Resolution Commercial Satellites; Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $10,000.00.

UKWATTA JAYARATHNA, 计算机科学, 罗伯特·阿西娅, 斯泰西RINGLEB, STARS - Secondary Teachers as RESEARCHers with Satellites; Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $9,455.00.

H. 安娜·郑,Community & 环境卫生, Literature Review on Per- And Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Drinking Water for The Pfas Regulatory Process; Virginia Department of 健康, $10,000.00.

STEPHAN OLARIU, 计算机科学, 猎人班纳特, CPS: Small: Performance Monitoring Cyber-Physical System for Emerging Fitness Spaces; Stony Brook University, $180,512.00.

STEPHAN OLARIU, 计算机科学, 维卡斯感到震惊, SCC-PG: CrossGuard: Enhancing Pedestrian Experience at Intersections; Stony Brook University, $38,000.00.

YIANNIS PAPELIS, VMASC, Evaluation and Enhancement of Simulation Frameworks to 支持 Unmanned Surface Vehicle Autonomy Testing; Mantech, $230,000.00.

布莱恩·佩恩, 各种ODU单元, (吴, 春生鑫, Preparing Future 网络安全 Leaders Through Community College Partnerships and Applied 学习 Experiences; National Science Foundation, $1,348,615.00.

DIMITRIE POPESCU, Electrical & 计算机中, SHARANA ASUNDI, OTILIA POPESCU, Stem Outreach Activities Using the ODU Satellite Ground Station; Virginia Space Grant Consortium, $6,900.00.

钱世志,机械 & 航空航天英格, Innovative Bioanalytical Instrument for Improving Drug Discovery; Virginia Commonwealth University, $119,600.00.

KRZYSZTOF RECHOWICZ, VMASC, BRATISLAV CVIJETIC, 赫克托耳加西亚, 亚历克斯·尼尔森, 约翰SHULL, IRAD: Living Donor; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $17,393.00.

KRZYSZTOF RECHOWICZ, VMASC, 罗斯戈尔, 亚历克斯·尼尔森, 约翰SHULL, IRAD: TRUST; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $25,470.00.

HAROLD RIETHMAN, Med Diag & Trans Sci, Covid 19 Testing Facility Development; 最靠谱的网赌软件, $10,590.00.

STEPHEN TONELSON, Comm Disorders & 特殊教育, 罗伯特·盖博, 安MAYDOSZ, ESSER Funds - Professional Development; Virginia Dept Of Education, $240,000.00.

琳达·瓦哈拉,电气公司 & 计算机中, Cognitive and Agile Radio Neptune Collab with NPS; Navy Post Grad School, $45,000.00.

琮王, 计算机科学, 职业:记忆效率高, Heterogeneity-Aware and Robust Architecture for Federated Intelligence on Edge Devices; National Science Foundation, $181,584.00.

YUESHENG XU, Mathematics & 统计数据, Deeply 学习 Deep Inelastic Scattering Kinematics in Exclusive Processes; Southeastern Universities RESEARCH Association (SURA), $12,000.00.

QI (HARRY) ZHANG, Community & 环境卫生, KAYOUNG公园, CHUANYI唐, Order-Online-And-Pick-Up-In-Store (OOPIS) For WIC Participants During Covid-19 Pandemic; Duke University, $50,000.00.

默罕默德·祖拜尔, 计算机科学, Enabling Codes on Next-Generation HPC Architectures; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $12,600.00.



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