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你来参观. 韦伯狮子喷泉. 2017年6月1日. 大卫·B. 霍林

学生的RESEARCHers’ Digital Project to be Featured in MacArthur Memorial World War I Exhibit

By 诺尔桑德斯

RESEARCH生 student Maggie Kontra-Emmens and her research team decided to take a different approach for 最靠谱的网赌软件's 7th annual RESEARCH生 RESEARCH Achievement Day (GRAD) by doing a digital presentation about American soldiers who were part of the 42nd Rainbow Division during World War I.

"It's a new age of technology and we wanted to present this project in a way that would resonate with our audience,埃蒙斯说.

In collaboration with the MacArthur Memorial for the grand opening of their World War I exhibit, students from the University's 历史 660: World War I class presented a slide show with music to tell the untold stories of soldiers who are buried in the Oise-Aisne American Cemetery in France. The project will be featured on a touch table at the MacArthur Memorial on Saturday, 4月8日上午9点开始.m. 到下午2:30.m.

"Students will not only be contributing to the public exhibit at the MacArthur Memorial, 但也将能够, 在未来, to demonstrate their research skills and the outcomes using the multi-media presentation,Maura Hametz说, graduate program director for ODU's Department of 历史.

About 100 students participated in this year's GRAD Day event on 3月 23, which was created to honor and celebrate the excellent research of the University's graduate students.

This was the first time GRAD day featured the use of new technology. In addition to a digital poster, some online students were provided an opportunity to present their work by web conferencing from Illinois. 布莱恩·波特, associate dean of 最靠谱的网赌软件's RESEARCH生院, said using digital presentations could be a new theme for other GRAD Day events.

"We are looking at different ways to expand the reach of this event and give distance students, who don't usually have an opportunity to present, 这样做,他说.

在上午会议期间, 39 students gave oral presentations in the River rooms of Webb University Center. 在下午, 55 students shared their research using posters in the North Mall of Web University Center.

"Students are going to be doing this in business, science and other careers. 想想如何推销一个想法. You've got five minutes - go," Porter said. "The question is how do you educate an audience that's not in your discipline? These are skills students are going to need in multiple modalities for a career."

The students' oral presentations and posters, representing five of ODU's academic colleges, addressed a variety of issues. In addition to World War l history, other topics included: The role of internet memes in society; the impact of student involvement on graduate student retention; using waste oil for jet fuel production; and understanding coastal flooding.



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