


设施管理 & 建筑(FMC)部门在老自治领有助于积极促进校园可持续发展的努力.

我们的愿景是尽量减少我们的生态足迹, 并成为其他高等教育机构和周边社区的领导者. 创新的实现这一套老生常谈, 负责任的措施和价值观体现了我们在可持续发展方面的领导承诺.

土地使用 & 建筑环境

我们的 雨水管理计划 ensures that the campus meets DCR regulatory requirements which ensure that construction activities in environmentally sensitive areas are conducted in a manner that will protect and improve water quality, 尤其是在切萨皮克湾. 了解更多►




FMC的工作是审查建筑设计,以符合环保标准的美国.S绿色建筑委员会. 所有新建和翻新的建筑项目都需要获得USGBC LEED认证.

可持续的网站: The building integrates bicycle storage areas and alternative fuel recharging stations for futuristic vehicles. 屋顶上收集的雨水将通过现场的岩石和植物花园进行过滤.

水效率: 本地的, drought-resistant plants and efficient drip irrigation will reduce the amount of water needed for landscaping. 高效的管道系统有望将建筑物内的用水量减少20%.

能源和大气: 增加绝缘, 外部遮阳, windows that increase day-lighting and other innovations that increase the efficiency of mechanical systems should cut the building's energy demands by 20 percent.

材料资源: 这座建筑是用越来越多的回收材料建造的, 认证, 可回收和快速再生的材料. 此外,该大学回收了50%的建筑垃圾.

室内环境质量: 空气质量管理控制使污染物远离供暖和空调系统. 这座大楼是无烟的.



  • 它的设计目的是暂时容纳和浸泡从屋顶流下的雨水径流, 车道, 天井或草坪.
  • Rain gardens are effective in removing up to 90% of nutrients and chemicals and up to 80% of sediments from the rainwater runoff.
  • 与传统的草坪相比,雨水花园允许30%以上的水渗入地下.

景观设计、灌溉 & 维护

Bermuda sod is used throughout the majority of the campus due to its ability to survive during the drought months.

In 2008 many irrigation systems were not turned on in established areas due to landscapes low water requirements. 一般来说,通过灌溉,植物需要两年的时间才能生长. 灌溉一旦建立,就会关闭,除非景观植物有死亡的危险. 大多数百慕大草坪在极度干旱时处于休眠状态,但一旦下雨就会恢复. Irrigation systems are equipped with rain gages that will not allow the system to come on when there is adequate rain fall.

Nutrient management planning seeks to address nonpoint source pollution by reducing the potential for runoff and leaching of nutrients.

  • 我们的管理计划确定了校园内使用低磷或无磷肥料的区域.
  • 磷肥会进入我们的河流.
  • 这种类型的藻类在前几年造成了弗吉尼亚水域的藻华. 它把海水变成了红褐色,通常被称为“桃花心木潮”."
  • 磷酸盐促进藻类生长,藻类在水面上以浮渣的形式出现. 藻类植物死了,沉到河底. 当它们分解时,它们会耗尽水中的氧气,使其他植物和动物窒息.


The use of dormant oils and insecticidal soaps to combat insects is being used in order to alleviate the use of more potent insecticide and are safer for the environment. 这些油和肥皂可以使昆虫窒息或提供一个机械屏障来防止损害. 微生物和微生物产品的使用也用于防治植物病害.

病虫害综合治理 (IPM) is a pest control strategy that uses a variety of complementary strategies including: mechanical devices, 物理设备, 遗传, 生物, 文化管理, 化学品管理. 这些方法分三个阶段进行:预防、观察和干预. It is an ecological approach with a main goal of significantly reducing or eliminating the use of pesticides while at the same time managing pest populations at an acceptable level.

  • 定期检查, 我们的农药技术员可以观察植物材料,看看是否需要处理. 如果没有发现害虫,就没有处理方法. 在花园地区使用捕虫器来监测虫害.
  • 对于致力于可持续发展的农民来说,害虫管理有时似乎特别具有挑战性, 低投入实践.
  • 杀虫剂的使用会杀死蜜蜂,可能是传粉昆虫减少的一个原因. 传粉媒介的减少可能意味着作物产量的减少..

能源使用 & 水资源管理

  • 校园里的建筑物由计算机能源管理系统控制. This system allows for constant monitoring and adjusts temperatures when buildings are not occupied during evenings and weekends.
  • 用更有效率的装置取代旧锅炉,可减少全年的能源消耗.
  • Solar bollards are used on the grounds of the new Physical Science Building and at the new Indoor Tennis Center walkway, 提供照明与电源连接.
  • 房屋署正以“能源之星”电器取代旧电器.
  • We are planning to install energy-saving occupancy sensors throughout buildings which will result in savings in electricity costs.
  • 我们正计划在教室的照明上安装占用传感器, 走廊, 和卫生间. 我们已经完成了BAL卫生间. 根据地点的不同,可以节省50%的能源.
  • 我们目前正在使用冷水机组来提高新学生宿舍的冷却效率. 能源减少估计高达25%.
  • 最靠谱的网赌软件 设施管理 has completed 90% of the retrofit to t move the campus lighting from T-12 to T-8 bulbs, 以及用节能灯取代白炽灯泡. T-8系统的效率大约提高50%,CFL系统的效率大约提高75%.


  • Facilities participated in an energy demand response program which provided incentive for reducing energy use during peak demand hours.
  • 参与该计划的设施预计将抵消超过3.5万美元的公用事业成本.00 in 2010.


  • The level of lighting in Resident Halls is reduced during unoccupied periods (move in /move out) while maintenance is being conducted.
  • 在无人居住的建筑物中,温度被调节以节省能源.

变频驱动 & 冷却塔

最靠谱的网赌软件 设施管理s is in the process of updating / replacing cooling towers throughout the campus. One of the ways that we can increase efficiency and lower energy costs in a cooling-tower design is to utilize a variable-frequency drive (VFD) on fan motors. 风扇把周围的空气吸进来, 推动/强迫它通过塔,并从工艺冷却水中提取热量.

应用ing 变频驱动 (VFD's) on cooling towers reduces energy consumption (lowers utility costs), 减少对维护人员的需求 & 设备更换成本)和工艺水温稳定是其中的好处.

作为ODU雨水管理项目的一部分, 地面部负责监测和清理落入风暴管理池的垃圾. Safe use algaecides are used during the summer months to maintain algae growth and to keep algae from flowing into the storm drains that empty into our rivers. 建立分计量,以更好地管理和提高意识,减少用水. The University is pursuing initiatives to conserve water and to develop opportunities for storm water management.

我们目前有两个蓄水池位于福尔曼场和Runte Quad. These cisterns are used to collect rain water from roof tops and parking surfaces and are used to irrigate the landscaping around the stadium and the Runte Quad.

Runte Quad的蓄水池是10级,000加仑玻璃纤维油箱, 设计用于灌溉大约1英亩的庭院. 它从苏格兰大厦的屋顶收集水. 如果发生干旱,它有市政供水系统的备用水源. 有一个计算机系统跟踪收集/使用的信息.

The Grounds Division has established two above ground water collection system that catch water from the rain gutter. 这些水将用来浇灌校园里的花盆. 目前有两个地方.

  • 校园宿舍75%的淋浴喷头都是低流量1.每分钟5加仑.
  • 75%的洗脸盆龙头是低流量的.
  • 在适用的地方,我们正在用减水型抽水马桶取代标准抽水马桶.
  • 我们正在测试宿舍里的低流量或无水小便池.


  • 我们利用环境卫生部门回收有害化学品.
  • 校园里几乎每栋楼都有纸制品回收容器, 塑料瓶和铝罐.
  • 回收量超过700,000磅材料, 现在包括白皮书了吗, 彩色的纸, 混合纸, 纸板, 钢, 瓶, 罐, 还有食用油. We also provide educational presentations and a number of recycling events on campus to encourage recycling.
  • 我们使用可持续的环保供应商, 比如莫霍克商业地毯, 是什么让每年超过30亿个塑料瓶免于被填埋, 将它们回收制成地毯. 莫霍克为从大学里移走的阔布或地毯瓷砖提供了一个恢复计划.
  • 我们的汽车调配中心回收用过的机油.
  • 我们与ODU的学生全国环境健康协会协调活动, 比如电子产品回收驱动.
  • 场地部使用从ODU风暴损坏的树木中回收的木屑.
  • 我们已经开始用自动烘手器取代纸巾机. 这样既节省了纸巾成本,又节省了人力.
  • FMC installs Certified Recycled mulch that is used in the playgrounds at Child Study and Child Development Centers.


设施署在校园内安装了一个40立方码的压实机,以清除校园内的废物. 安装压实机是为了避免我们的废物进入堆填区, 分解并产生甲烷和二氧化碳.

The waste from this compactor is taken to a Solid Waste Processing plant where through operations at the Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) Plant and Power Plant, SPSA将废物加工成燃料,燃烧产生蒸汽和电力. 除了垃圾衍生燃料的生产, 不可处理的废物和不合格材料从RDF工厂废物流中移除, 黑色金属和铝罐被分开回收.

Methane gas is bad for the environment because methane is particularly potent among the group of greenhouse gas that traps heat inside the earth's atmosphere, 导致全球变暖.


Non-motorized forms of transportation at the Facilities play a critical role in accessibility to the University's Grounds.





Facilities Work Management department is using an online work order system that in time will eliminate the use of paper.


Housekeeping partners with a list of selected vendors who assist them on how to help the University become more cost-efficient regarding its supplies and dispensing systems. 这些产品既环保又注重健康, 运用保管行业的最新技术. 其中一些举措已经到位, 而其他的正在评估中,以便考虑实施.