
财政办公室有一个庞大的, easily-访问ible training program that includes information relating to Commonwealth and University policies and procedures relevant to each of our business partners across campus as they oversee departmental budgets and complete daily financial requirements. 的 multi-faceted training program includes a virtual 大学财务管理证书 continuing education program, 动手横幅系统视频培训课程, 额外的在线视频培训资源, and other various training guides for both required and optional trainings offered by the 财务办公室.

新! 我们创建了一个 Microsoft Teams account available to anyone interested! If you have questions about the Financial 服务s Division, 由财务办公室组成, 预算办公室 & 财务规划, or Procurement 服务s representatives and want real-time responses, 请加入我们的 财务诚信小组.

请不要犹豫,联系 阿曼达•邓拉普ODU财务通讯办公室 & 培训,任何培训问题或关注.







请致电财务数据控制小组 757-683-3257,或电邮至BannerHotline@htvdirect.net.


Our goal is to offer and empower our employees with the knowledge and skills they need to be good stewards of university funds. Our training programs are available both virtually and electronically, and one-on-one sessions may be offered as requested. We hope these resources will help guide you and answer questions you may have about various financial processes and procedures across ODU. We encourage employees to always reach out to us with questions and to collaborate with peers across campus.

我们创建了一个 新员工财务培训手册. This manual provides a basic overview of Finance and Financial 服务s at ODU including common terms, 形式, 和资源, as well as recommended training for new fiscal staff based on financial responsibilities within each business service. 联系 阿曼达•邓拉普 有问题吗?.

我们鼓励你的反馈! 对我们的培训计划提供匿名反馈.

新! 我们创建了一个 Microsoft Teams account available to anyone interested! If you have questions about the Financial 服务s Division, 由财务办公室组成, 预算办公室 & 财务规划, or Procurement 服务s representatives and want real-time responses, 请加入我们的 财务诚信小组.

的 ODU 财务办公室 has created a 4-part video series for Budget Unit Directors (BUDS) and BUD Delegates across campus. 的 purpose of these videos is to familiarize new and existing Department BUDS with their roles, responsiblilties, and provide an easily-访问ible resource guide for managing departmental budgets throughout each fiscal year.

计划的细节 -有四(4)个视频可用(什么是BUD?; Budget Process Overview; Budget Utilization, Management, & Basics; and Final Wrap-Up). 每个视频都可以随时在线, and a list of resources referenced throughout each video is also available on our BUD Crash Course webpage.

的 Certificate of University Financial Management Program (CUFM) is a virtula multi-section training certificate program which focuses on the business practices needed by ODU budget units. It is a series of classes designed to familiarize the campus community with the different aspects of Financial 服务s, 以及联邦和大学的政策. Participants who complete all required courses and pass the exam are awarded a 大学财务管理证书 (CUFM). 的 intent of these classes is to ensure that employees have as much understanding of our complex system as possible, and employees may begin participating in the program any time during the year.

的 财务办公室 provides monthly electronic budget reports through the 横幅ePrint 软件. ePrint allows users to print monthly financial reports as soon as they are available. All employees who monitor and report on budget information are granted 自动 访问 到Banner电子打印.

收银员的培训 is required once every two years for anyone across campus who collects money/payments on behalf of ODU. This video training should be reviewed once every two years and 阿曼达•邓拉普 应在完成后通知. 查找收银培训课程信息.

一种总线标准培训 reviews best practices and requirements set forth by major credit card companies in order to continue to accept credit card payments across campus, 无论是当面还是在网上. Anyone across campus who accepts these types of payments must complete this training, 由CampusGuard提供, 每年一次. 有问题请直接问 pci@htvdirect.net


ODU actively seeks to attract and retain an accomplished, diverse workforce supporting a multitude of programs engaging faculty, 分类雇员和小时工. Understand your compensation and 访问 your account.