
数量: 1470

标题: 教员申诉政策

批准: 6月15日, 1978; Revised May 15, 1982; Revised 6月15日, 1989; Revised November 14, 1990; Revised June 22, 1995; Revised December 4, 2014 (eff. 1/1/15)

I. 一般

A. 目的


B. 应用程序

只有有全职教学和研究合同的教师和专业图书馆员才可以使用本政策中描述的程序. A teaching 和 research administrator with departmental designation may use the procedure but only to grieve, in accordance with the requirements described herein, an action concerning the academic 促销活动 of or the award of tenure to that administrator.

C. 申诉的定义

在本政策中使用, 申诉是指教职员工指控他或她因以下原因受到直接伤害:

  1. 一个动作, 拒绝行动, or a failure to act by an administrative 办公室r of the 大学 which deviated materially from the existing policies or procedures of the 大学; or

  2. 一个动作 by an administrative 办公室r of the 大学 which was arbitrary, 反复无常的, 不合理的, 或者与事实相反.
    “行政官员,在这个政策中使用, refers to any individual exercising administrative authority, 包括, 但不限于, 系主任系主任或项目主任.

D. 补救措施

  1. 除非另有规定, 选择在此政策下表达不满的教职员工可以寻求大学有权提供的任何适当的补救措施.
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  2. The remedy available to a faculty member who chooses to grieve a personnel
    行动,我.e., 一个nonreappointment, 促销活动, 评价, salary increment, a
    decision not to award tenure, or appointment to emeritus status, is the initiation of a
    proper reconsideration of that decision through the applicable procedures of the

E. Limitations Upon the 应用程序 of the Grievance Policy

  1. 除I .规定外.E.在此,教员必须尽其所能
    administrative or academic procedures for review of an action about which the
    faculty member chooses to grieve prior to filing a grievance under this policy.

  2. 一个动作 concerning the imposition of a sanction upon a faculty member or the
    dismissal of faculty from employment member due to a financial exigency, etc.
    must be reviewed in accordance with the applicable policies for review of such an
    action 和 may not be reviewed under this Grievance Policy unless the applicable
  3. 一个动作 concerning the 促销活动 of a faculty member or the award of tenure to
    a faculty member must be grieved by that faculty member after action by the
    provost 和 vice president for academic affairs but before the faculty member's
  4. 一个动作 concerning the 促销活动 of a faculty member, the nonreappointment of
    a faculty member, or the award of tenure to a faculty member only may be grieved
    by that faculty member upon the ground that there was a material deviation from
    the applicable procedures of the 大学 during the process leading to the action.

F. 保存记录

  1. 投诉及在投诉调查过程中形成的所有记录均应被视为机密,除非法律或本政策的规定要求,否则不得公布.

  2. 投诉和在投诉调查期间形成的所有记录应在最终决定之日起三年内保留在大学法律顾问办公室. 由于申诉而产生的记录将与教员的正式人事档案分开归档. Thereafter the records shall be destroyed unless state or federal action is pending.

II. 申诉的非正式解决

A. 根据这一政策选择表达不满的教职员工应首先与行政官员讨论此事,行政官员的作为或不作为是申诉的基础.

B. 如果讨论没有产生解决方案, 教职员可以通过教职员参议院办公室申请由教职员调解项目提供的调解.

C. If, as a result of the faculty member's discussion with the administrative 办公室r, the matter is not resolved to the faculty member's satisfaction, 教员应与行政官员的直接主管讨论此事,行政官员的行为是申诉的基础. 教员不得与行政官员的直接主管讨论此事,如果直接主管是校长.

D. If, 作为这些讨论和/或调解的结果, the matter is not resolved to the faculty member's satisfaction, the faculty member may proceed to formal resolution of the grievance.

3. 申诉的正式解决

A. 书面申诉声明

  1. 教员应通过向教员申诉委员会主席提交书面申诉声明来正式解决申诉.

  2. The written statement filed electronically by the faculty member shall contain, 至少, 以下几点:

    a. 动作的描述, refusal or failure to act by the administrator that the faculty member is grieving;

    b. the grounds upon which the faculty member is grieving the 行动,我ncluding an identification of the applicable policy or procedures, 如果有的话;

    c. 对导致动作的事件的描述, refusal or failure to act the faculty member is grieving;

    d. a statement of the injury suffered by the faculty member 和 the date thereof; 和

    e. a statement of the remedy sought by the faculty member.

  3. The written statement should be no longer than 1,000 words.
  4. The faculty member should attach to the written statement copies of relevant documentation.
  5. 但涉及人事行为的案件除外, 书面申诉声明应在教员遭受所谓伤害之日起九十(90)天内向教员申诉委员会主席提交. In those exceptional cases when the faculty member can demonstrate that he or she did not know, 或者有理由知道, 在九十(90)天内提出申诉, the Grievance Committee may extend this period to one hundred 和 eighty (180) days. If the faculty member's grievance concerns a series of pattern of injurious decisions, the period shall run from that date of the latest alledged injury; however, 委员会审查所述模式下的所有决定,如果委员会发现确实存在这种模式,并且该模式下的任何事件发生在本文规定的天数内,委员会可就所述模式下的所有决定提出建议.
  6. 在涉及人事行为的案件中.e., 一个nonreappointment, 促销活动, 评价, salary increment or a decision not to award tenure, 书面申诉声明应在行政和学术审查程序结束后向教员提供采取行动的通知之日起三十(30)天内向教员申诉委员会主席提交
    exhausted as required by paragraphs I(D)(2) 和 I(E)(3) herein.
  7. 如果上述第5段或第6段所述的期限通常在大学的常规学期之间到期, the period shall be extended 和 shallexpire fifteen (15) days after the beginning of the next regular semester.

B. 由教职员申诉委员会检讨

在教员向教员申诉委员会主席提交书面申诉声明后, 申诉委员会应审查该声明, 和, 如果合适的话, proceed with a review of the grievance in accordance with its applicable procedures, as described in sections II 和 3 of 教师 Grievance Committee 和 Hearing Panels: Composition 和 程序.

C. Withdrawal 和 Settlement of Matters Before the Committee

在申诉委员会审理的任何事项中,教职员工可以在委员会审理过程中的任何时间撤回该事项,而无需委员会或听证小组的批准. Such a settlement removes the matter from the jurisdiction of the committee 和 closes the case. 委员会或听证小组可采取其认为必要和适当的任何步骤来鼓励和解.

IV. 总统的决定

A. 在申诉委员会的适用程序结束后,并在主席收到委员会的报告和其中所述的建议后, 总统可能会决定接受, 改动, 或者拒绝推荐

B. 在决定是否接受之前, 改动, 或者拒绝委员会的建议, 主席可要求和考虑申诉各方或其指定代表的书面或口头陈述. 必须向每一方提供一份
由另一方提交的书面陈述,当另一方作出口头陈述时,每一方都必须有机会出席. 除本协议规定外,主席不得在作出决定前与任何一方讨论此事.

C. If the president decides to 改动 或者拒绝委员会的建议, the president must state in writing the reasons for that decision.

D. The president must provide notice to the grievant 和 to the Grievance Committee of the president's decision, 和, 如果需要, 因此,原因是, within thirty (30) days of the president's receipt of the committee's recommendation 和 report. 如果总统做不到
forward notice to the grievant 和 to the committee within thirty (30) days, the president shall be deemed to have accepted the committee's recommendation.

E. 由于主席的决定,主席应使向申诉方提供的任何补救措施得以实施.

V. 审查 & 政策评估 & 程序

校长或其指定代表与教务委员会或其指定代表应每五年共同审查和评估这项政策. At a Board of 访问ors' meeting near the end of an academic year after the review, 主席应向访问者委员会提交一份报告,说明审查和评估的结果,并建议必要的改变, 如果有任何. 教务委员会, 通过指定的学院代表, may present a separate report containing other recommended changes if it