
Lion Fountain at 同学会

Welcome to 继续教育! 其使命是为非传统学习者提供高质量的专业发展和个人继续教育机会. The School serves as a primary entry point for businesses, 行业, 制造商, 军事, 非营利组织, and governmental agencies to the resources of ODU.

Working in collaboration with faculty in the academic colleges, The School's programs are customized to address high need areas, 由我们的 partners in business, 行业, and 军事. 学院提供全面的教育资源,提供创新的劳动力解决方案,包括开发和交付编程以及营销, registration and program assessment.

继续教育以客户服务为导向,并准备为ODU社区及其他地区服务. 请最靠谱的网赌软件,看看我们如何帮助你的事业,或你的业务,到一个新的水平.

Assistant Vice President


To meet the evolving needs of our local, regional and global community via online and face-to-face offerings. We help students, professional and lifelong learners move ahead and stay ahead.


我们是一支由持续教育专业人士组成的团队,在管理持续教育和专业发展项目方面拥有超过80年的综合经验. Our interdisciplinary team has skills and knowledge in program planning, alternative teacher preparation, 市场营销, and budgeting both non-credit and for-credit approved courses. 我们独特的继续教育课程旨在帮助每个学生完成他们的个人学习之旅.

蕾妮R. 毛毡类,艾德.D.


蕾妮R. 毛毡类,艾德.D.

Associate Vice President

蕾妮毡合目前是ODU负责学术倡议和继续教育的助理副总裁. 在她的角色中, 她与教职员工合作,为ODU的学分和非学分课程创造增值途径. Her focus at ODU is to create credentials that align with degree programs, which can make students more marketable upon graduation. Felts还与商业和工业合作,创建符合雇主需求的定制程序. 在来ODU之前, 她曾担任机构进步和劳动力发展副总裁以及保罗D. Camp 社区 College. 在Paul D. 坎普,她协助创建符合行业需求的劳动力计划.

菲尔兹拥有美国中北部大学高等教育领导学博士学位. She earned a master's degree in Secondary Education from Old Dominion in 1987, and a bachelor's degree in Business Education from Barton College in 1984.






Director, 继续教育

罗伯特·多尔蒂自2007年以来一直在Old Dominion University的继续教育部门工作. He is currently the Director of 继续教育, the University Credentialing Center, Prior 学习 Assessment program, and Center for Professional Development.

Mr. Doherty works with both credit and non-credit programs, including the IDS 领导 major, Professional 领导 certificate program, and Amazon's AWS Academy. 另外, he heads the University's MonarchCE registration platform, and serves as co-principal investigator, 高级人员, 以及获得美国政府各种资助的微型证书设计师, as well as the Commonwealth of Virginia.







黛博拉avan has been with Old Dominion University since 2008. 在那段时间里, she's led programming in a variety of disciplines including Executive Development, 工程, 口腔卫生, 和测试准备. 另外, 她领导的信用证书课程包括公共部门领导和项目管理, 以及与纽波特纽斯造船公司等公司签订的合同培训协议.

Her years of experience both on the front end of programming, 管理的后端给了她独特的能力,看到任何项目从开始到完成. 除了她的编程职责,黛博拉还担任君主行政长官登记员.








皮特获得了博士学位.D. 2012年从ODU毕业, his Master's in General Secondary Education from ODU in 2008, and his BA in English Literature and Composition from the School of William & 玛丽在2005年. In addition to his work in the Career Switcher Program, Pete serves as a 讲师 in ODU's 继续教育 program.

皮特目前的研究议程包括认识论信念发展的研究, early childhood policy, and instructional technology. 皮特喜欢钓鱼,现场音乐,和他的妻子和年幼的孩子分享生活.






Director of Finance and Operations

格雷格电影 joined ODU in 2005 after retiring from the United States Navy. While in the Navy, Mr. Flick was stationed primarily in Norfolk, Virginia and served on a variety of ships, including the Battleship USS IOWA (BB 61).

Mr. Flick随后在ODU开始了他的职业生涯,担任英语语言中心的财政技术员. 2018年,他转任继续教育财务分析师.

Mr. Flick enjoys running and has completed several half marathons. 在科罗拉多州长大的他对丹佛野马队(Denver Broncos)非常欣赏,他每年都会关注这支球队. Mr. 弗里克和他的妻子结婚近30年,他们有两个孩子,他们很喜欢看着他们长大成人.






Fiscal Technician Senior

卡特里娜文森 has been employed at ODU with 继续教育 for 22 years, as a Financial Administrator. 她利用多年的会计培训和个人发展培训来掌握自己的技能.







萨曼莎·法比奥目前是ODU VDOE职业转换项目的学生支持经理,也是继续教育教育和咨询项目的项目协调员.

夫人. 法比奥拿的是B.S. 在Old Dominion University获得心理学学士学位,重点是刑事司法,并在Tidewater社区学院获得社会科学学士学位. 夫人. 法比奥目前是国家替代认证协会的成员. 夫人. Fabio has over 3 years of higher education administration experience.





Senior 项目经理

Rhyanne亨利是ODU继续教育高级项目经理. An advocate for lifelong learning, 她的工作重点是提供非信贷项目和证书,为个人和社区创造机会,满足行业需求. 她在高等教育和高等教育咨询方面拥有超过12年的经验. 最近, 她为招生战略管理计划提供咨询,并担任特雷维卡大学研究生和继续教育学院招生副总裁.

She holds a doctorate in leadership from Trevecca, an MBA from Rollins College, and a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Stetson University.

Rhyanne enjoys hiking, boating, and kayaking with her husband of 20 years. 她利用业余时间为她的孩子们在篮球、田径、越野赛和网球上加油.





Recruitment/市场营销 Manager

克里斯汀·马修斯 is the Recruitment/ 市场营销 Manager for 继续教育. She has over 20-years of experience in Recruitment, 市场营销, Training and Sales for various industries in the Business-to-Consumer, 企业对企业, Business-to-Government, and Non-Profit Markets.

克里斯汀来自一个军人家庭,自1980年以来就把弗吉尼亚州的汉普顿称为家. 她喜欢与结婚25年的丈夫共度时光,也喜欢去德克萨斯州埃尔帕索看望女儿和女婿.






Coordinator, Credentialing Center

奥利维亚胡佛 is the newest member of our team at 继续教育. As the SoCE Program 服务s Specialist, 奥利维亚参与了学校项目的日常运作,是咨询的主要联系人.

A native of Portsmouth, Olivia is involved in her community through coaching, community service and volunteering.