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在周三举行的第四届全国社会流动研讨会上, 最靠谱的网赌软件校长约翰. Broderick cited his own experiences as a first-generation college student to show how colleges can help guide more students to graduation.

One year, he feared he'd have to drop out when his father, an electrician, was out of work. "Somehow I had the courage to mention it to an education professor who I really liked and who listened to me,布罗德里克校长说. 那位教授把他和财政援助主任联系起来, and "all of a sudden I had a chance to stay in school as opposed to having to go home."

"We need to empower and help our students to speak for themselves and recognize the significance of helping them find a solution,他说. "... None of us should lose sight of the fact that higher education is one of the most important pathways to fulfilling the American dream."

简戴恩, associate vice president for enrollment management and director of Old Dominion's 社会流动中心, defined social mobility as "the movement of individuals from one socioeconomic status to another. ... It is critical that a college degree be accessible to students across the economic spectrum."

The half-day webinar drew leaders in higher education from across the country. 第一次, Old Dominion co-sponsored the symposium with California State University San Marcos, 的总统, 艾伦J. Neufeldt, previously served as vice president of student engagement and enrollment services at ODU and helped launched the symposiums and the center in 2018.

称她为“坚定的伴侣”,布罗德里克校长说, "Ellen worked tirelessly and enthusiastically to make social mobility a permanent part of our mindset and agenda at ODU."

反过来, President Neufeldt cited President Broderick for "designing the University around student success and social mobility before we were even talking about it."

Roughly half of Old Dominion's incoming freshmen are the first in their families to attend college. ODU在社会流动性方面被美国大学评为“表现最好的”.S. 最靠谱的网赌软件 & World Report and was recently rated fourth in the nation in reducing inequalities in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

Tia 棕色(的)-McNair, author of "Becoming a Student-Ready College: A New 文化 of 领导 for Student Success," praised Old Dominion "as a leader when it comes to educating Black students." But she encouraged all institutions to work harder to ensure more students participate in formative experiences like internships.

“社会流动性不只是关注内容,麦克奈尔说, 多元化副总裁, 公平和学生成功的美国大学协会 & 大学. “这是关于教育整个学生,让他们为成功做好准备,比如反对种族主义和性别歧视.

“我们的使命从未如此重要,”约瑟夫一世说. 卡斯特罗, 加州州立大学系统的校长, 说, 以种族主义等挑战为例, 大流行病和经济困难. "There is an even greater need for us to root out longstanding and systemic inequities.

"Equity gaps remain," 卡斯特罗 说, "but we will take them on, and we will eliminate them."

在总统小组讨论中, 艾伦Junn, 加州州立大学校长斯坦尼斯劳斯, 说, “上大学有很多积极因素,除了增加收入之外. 大学毕业生, 例如, experience better mental and physical health and are more likely to be civically engaged, 她说.

卡斯特罗 noted that 85% of people whose parents received degrees go on to college themselves. 但布罗德里克校长说,受益的不仅仅是这些家庭. “通过释放更多公民的潜力, 我们的国家是大赢家, 在关键工作领域填补更多职位."

在小组讨论中, 布罗德里克总统和贾瓦恩·亚当斯-加斯顿, 诺福克州立大学校长, 两人都提到了资金对促进社会流动性的重要性.

"You can't have that success if you don't have that funding to help students with success,亚当斯-加斯顿总统说.

布罗德里克校长说,伙伴关系也是一个至关重要的组成部分. "大学 can find tremendous resources if they fully partner with community agencies and organizations. 大学内部的伙伴关系同样重要, 当部门和学科之间的墙被打破."

在一次学生小组讨论中,ODU大四学生阿布里奥纳·布朗和 junior Devontae 艾伦 说 time management was initially one of their largest challenges.

艾伦, a political science major who is Old Dominion's student representative to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, 说他得到了“兄弟2brother”的大力帮助, 这是一个针对黑人和拉丁裔男性学生的同伴辅导小组. “这对我在大学里的成功至关重要,现在仍然如此,”他说.

棕色(的), 谁打算去医学院, cited the support of the Alpha Alpha Alpha (Tri-Alpha) Honors Society for first-generation students and the University's Pre-健康 Club.

President Neufeldt 说 the social-mobility perspective "is not how higher ed was built, 但是今天有了你们所有人的帮助, 这就是为明天而建的.

“我们需要打破障碍. 这真的会为每个人带来一个更好的社会."

专题讨论会还包括分组会议. One featured a panel of Old Dominion students and leaders describing an Innovate Monarchs project this year in which students and faculty members, 使用“设计思维”方法和麦克奈尔的“学生准备”模式, 确定学生成功的障碍以及如何克服这些障碍. 105美元的投资使这个项目成为可能,000 grant from the Lumina Foundation to the University to increase the enrollment and graduation of underrepresented minorities.

从中午到下午两点半.m. 周四, Old Dominion will host a more detailed Design Thinking for University Transformation Workshop, 由卡伦·桑佐领导, 教育领导学教授. 注册在这里 link.




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