Exchange Programs

What Is An Exchange Program?

Amber J in Mexico, Study Abroad

An ODU exchange program is a semester or yearlong experience at one of ODU's partner universities.

ODU students on an exchange program have the opportunity to take regular university classes in English or the host country's language, live on campus, and experience college life in another country. Students in these programs pay their regular ODU tuition and fees. Room and board costs are paid to the host university.

Old Dominion has exchange agreements with 16 universities in 8 countries!

  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • 中国
  • Denmark
  • Ireland
  • 日本
  • South Korea
  • United Kingdom

 Explore Exchange Programs 

If you're interested in one of these programs, the first step is to register for an information session through our calendar. Click 在这里 to take the next step.