本科研究 & Creativity Scholarship Program

本科研究 Symposium

The 佩里荣誉学院 sponsors the University-wide 本科研究 and Creativity Grant program. This program provides students with an opportunity to pursue original research, 奖学金, or creative work under the mentorship of a full-time faculty member.

An important aspect of this program is that it places the student and a faculty member in an apprentice/mentor relationship. After agreeing on a particular project, the faculty member assists the student in writing and submitting a proposal, supervises the student's scholarly activity, and assists in the construction of the student's final project report. This program can be used to support undergraduate honors theses, as well as senior or supervised research and creativity projects (or equivalent programs in the student's major).

Call for Proposals: 本科研究 and Creativity Fellowships



  • The award stipend will be $3,000 (subject to tax withholding) for the 春天 semester.
  • Up to $500 of this award may be designated for faculty mentor stipend.
  • The award will be made in one of two ways: 1) as payment to the student/faculty mentor or 2) as a transfer of funds to the academic department.


  • The award stipend will be $5,000 (subject to tax withholding) for the 夏天 semester.
  • Up to $500 of this award may be designated for faculty mentor stipend.
  • The award will be made as a payment to the student/faculty mentor.


  • The award stipend will be $3,000 (subject to tax withholding) for the 秋天 semester.
  • Up to $500 of this award may be designated for faculty mentor stipend.
  • The award will be made in one of two ways: 1) as payment to the student/faculty mentor or 2) as a transfer of funds to the academic department.

Students from all disciplines are eligible. Sophomore, juniors and seniors with a minimum GPA of 3.25 are encouraged to submit a proposal. Students must be enrolled for at least 12 hours during the semester in which the project is funded.

The award stipend will be $3,000 (subject to tax withholding) for the 秋天 or 春天 semesters, 和5美元,000 (subject to tax withholding) for the 夏天 semester.

The project could involve research, design, development, field study, creative work or performance. The project should require about 150 hours of the student's time (i.e., 10 hours per week) in one semester, and should be appropriate in scope such that the student can produce a research or other scholarly product (e.g. presentation, publication, exhibit, or performance) at the end of the award period. 在理想的情况下, the project should be initiated by the student, but faculty members may approach students about collaborative projects. If the project is related to faculty research or other 奖学金, the project should require that the student assume increasing responsibilities over the course of the semester. The award is not intended to support student laboratory assistants; it is intended that award recipients will be acting as principal investigator of an authentic research project under mentorship of their faculty advisor.

Students requesting personal support as part of the proposal budget must be eligible for campus employment.

A University committee composed of a representative from each college and appointed by the Provost will review the proposals and select the projects that will be funded under this program.

Student proposals should be written with minimal use of jargon. 教师 members should not co-author or "copropose." Mentors may provide editorial and content assistance for student proposals, but proposals must be primarily the work of student applicants. Mentors will have the opportunity for input and explanation in a separate letter of support. The project proposal should not exceed five single-spaced pages. The cover page, appendices and attachments are not included in this length restriction. A letter of support from the faculty mentor is to be submitted separately from the student application. The following format should be followed:

  1. 封面页. 项目的名称, 学生的名字, 印尼, address, 电子邮件地址, 电话号码, and major should be centered on the page. The name, department, 电子邮件地址, and 电话号码 of the faculty mentor should also be listed. The date should be centered at the bottom of the page.
  2. 项目描述. Provide a clear, exact statement of what the project is and why it is important. How will the project contribute to a particular field of study? Proposals should be written with a minimum of jargon, and such that they can be evaluated by faculty from other disciplines.
  3. 方法. Provide a description of how the research question/problem is to be investigated. 包括哪些步骤? 将使用什么来源? Where relevant, please include a bibliography.
  4. 结果. Provide a description of the anticipated outcomes associated with the project, e.g., a conference paper, report, journal article, exhibition, performance, or Senior Honors Thesis.
  5. 预算. Include a short paragraph on how the project funds will be used. The student should be aware of the total cost of the project in broad terms: How much support is given by his or her department through the use of facilities? What part of the expenses will be covered by the award? How will the $3,000 award be spent? Provide justification if the student will use the funds for personal maintenance while working on the project. Up to $500 of the award may be used for faculty mentor stipend; if this is the case, it should be stated clearly in the proposal budget.
  6. 项目的独立性. Present evidence that independent research or 奖学金 is involved. The project should not be lab assistant work, course work for a faculty member, 或者简单的技术任务. If the work involves an aspect of a larger faculty project, the faculty member should explain the student's role in her/his letter of support.

    预算 for 本科研究 Grant

    价格 项目数量 总价格
    礼品卡 $20 12 $240
    导师津贴 $500 2 $500
    肺活量描记器过滤器 $79 2 $158
    海报 $50 2 $100
    学生津贴 $2000 1 $2000
        总计: $3000


  7. 附录、附件. 如果合适的话, the student should include copies of research materials such as questionnaires and other forms as appropriate. Personal resumes should not be included. If the applicant has received prior support from the 佩里荣誉学院 研究 and Creativity Fellowship/Grant programs, a one-page report summarizing accomplishments from the previous project must be included as an appendix.

    Please email electronic proposals (in .多克斯,或者 .pdf格式). Eddie Hill, Director of 本科研究, at HCUndergrad研究@htvdirect.net. 来自你的@odu的电子邮件.edu account with subject line "_本科研究 Grant 应用程序_确保交付. Proposals emailed without this subject line may not be reviewed. See box below for semester codes.

  8. 教师 Mentor's Letter of 支持. The faculty mentor letter of support should be sent by the faculty mentor directly to Dr. 艾迪·希尔 HCUndergrad研究@htvdirect.net. The letter of support should not be included in the application package submitted by the student. This letter should include: A) the mentor's view of the scope and nature of the project; B) time available for the mentor to work with the student; C) the mentor's familiarity with the student and her or his work; D) a clear statement of the mentor's involvement in the project. The mentor should help plan the project, assist the student with the proposal, and actively participate in the project's implementation. Please include the student's last name and "教师 支持 Letter_在主题栏中. See box below for semester codes.

春天 2023 = Sp23  |  夏天 2023 = Su23  |  秋天 2023 = Fa23

For example, if your name is John Smith and you're applying for 春天 2023,

  • The subject line for your application would be: "Smith_本科研究 Grant 应用程序_Sp23"
  • The subject line for your faculty mentor's letter of support would be: "Smith_教师 支持 Letter_Sp23"
  • The subject line for your final report would be: "Smith_本科研究 Grant Final Report_Sp23"

Proposals emailed without these subject lines may not be reviewed.


最终报告: The comprehensive final report should be no more than 12 pages at minimum 1.5 spacing, including tables and figures. Follow the publication and manuscript formatting guidelines for your field. An electronic copy of the final report is to be submitted by email from your @odu.博士的edu帐户. 艾迪·希尔 HCUndergrad研究@htvdirect.net. 使用主题栏_本科研究 Grant Final Report_." A letter of endorsement by the faculty mentor is to be included (does not count toward page limit).

Reports are due by the first week of July. All final reports will be reviewed for potential publication in the ODU 本科研究 Journal. Students are encouraged to contact Dr. 艾迪·希尔(HCUndergrad研究@htvdirect.net) for further information on and assistance with publishing their work.

Questions about this or any other 本科研究 Program initiative can be sent to Dr. Eddie Hill, Director, 本科研究, HCUndergrad研究@htvdirect.net.