By Amber Kennedy

最靠谱的网赌软件和汉普顿路劳动力委员会(HRWC)将领导757地区实习合作项目, 通过以工作为基础的学习机会,加强人才储备.

757地区实习合作组织汇集了K-12学区的代表, higher education institutions, businesses, industry, 经济发展和区域领导组织. The collaborative is funded through a $250,由弗吉尼亚州高等教育委员会(SCHEV)从其 Innovative Internship Fund and Program.

参与者将制定策略,使学生更好地为以工作为基础的学习做好准备,同时增加获得这些机会的机会. 该合作将创建一个以证据为基础的区域实习和体验式学习联盟,为人才管道中的所有利益相关者提供服务.

"Hampton Roads has incredible assets, 从教育机构到各种各样的雇主, 但我们有太多毕业生流失到其他地区和其他州," said ODU President Brian O. Hemphill, Ph.D. “我们很自豪能将所有利益相关者召集到一起,以确保该地区的毕业生为填补我们这里的工作做好充分准备."

30多个伙伴组织已承诺参与这项合作. Over the next two years, 合作伙伴将开展焦点小组和调查,以确定区域最佳做法, 同时还有阻碍雇主提供基于工作的学习的障碍.

该合作将创建并实施一项计划,以改善汉普顿路的体验式学习, 包括推销大一大二学生实习的存在. In addition, 该合作组织将举办年度峰会,以增进对基于工作的学习机会的理解.

该项目将由一个执行团队领导,该团队将监督项目总监的招聘,以指导合作. 执行团队包括ODU代表Don Stansberry, vice president for Student Engagement and Enrollment Services; Nancy Grden, associate vice president of the Institute for Innovation & Entrepreneurship; and Brian Payne, vice provost for Academic Affairs. They'll work alongside HRWC representatives Shawn Avery, president and CEO, and Whitney Lester, senior director of talent development.

ODU社会科学研究中心将领导10次焦点小组访谈和一次商业调查,为咨询委员会和小组委员会提供有关该地区学生经历的信息, educators and businesses with work-based learning.

"At ODU, 我们致力于保证每一个学生的经历,为他们未来的职业生涯做好准备," Payne said. “我们期待着与该地区的合作伙伴一起扩大这一努力,帮助我们的商界找到他们需要的合格员工,并确保我们的学生在汉普顿路找到光明的未来。."

The members of the collaborative include:

  • K-12 career and technical education representatives from Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport 最靠谱的网赌软件, Williamsburg, Isle of Wight, Southampton County and New Horizons.
  • Higher education representatives from Old Dominion University, Norfolk State University, Virginia Wesleyan College, Regent University, Christopher Newport University, The College of William & Mary, Tidewater Community College, Paul D. Camp Community College, Eastern Shore Community College, ECPI和弗吉尼亚潮汐高等教育联盟.
  • Business and community partner representatives from the cities of Virginia Beach, Chesapeake and Hampton; 757 Collab; Coastal Virginia Center for Cyber Innovation (CoVA CCI); Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce; Hampton Roads Alliance; Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Coastal Virginia; Hampton Roads Workforce Council; Reinvent HR; Norfolk Innovation Corridor; Hampton Roads Maritime Collaborative for Growth & Innovation; Black BRAND; and SimIS Inc.
  • Additional invited partners 包括汉普顿大学和弗吉尼亚半岛社区学院.

这一倡议建立在过去合作的基础上, including the Virginia Tidewater Consortium for Higher Education; CoVA CCI; HRWC's NextGen Pathways, Campus 757 and school programs; and workforce-driven partnerships between institutions and employers, 比如最近宣布的ODU学生实习计划, 诺福克州立大学和汉普顿大学在杰斐逊实验室进行研究.

"Across Hampton Roads, 我们的教育工作者和雇主已经在他们自己的机构和组织中取得了巨大的进步,扩大了以工作为基础的学习. 将这些努力整合到一个协作框架中将极大地惠及所有人," Lester said. “这些努力将带来训练有素的劳动力, in turn, strengthen the economy of the region and the commonwealth."

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