
Log in to WordPress 输入你的MIDAS ID和密码.

WordPress is an online toolset that allows users to create and publish their own websites. 最靠谱的网赌软件 has made the WordPress professional suite available to the entire campus community. With dozens of free, 专业的主题, extremely easy content management and a library full of custom plugins, WordPress gives its users the tools to create fully featured websites in minutes.



教职员工可以建立个人网站,托管在 http://fs.wp.htvdirect.net. 每个MIDAS角色允许每个人拥有一个个人站点. 您的站点将驻留在 fs.wp.htvdirect.net/.

You can set up additional sites for courses and organizations by using the Manage My Sites menu option on the admin bar in WordPress. 课程和组织网站托管在 http://sites.wp.htvdirect.net network.

要创建您的个人网站,请转到 http://wp.htvdirect.net/wp-login.php.

All web sites created using WordPress must be developed in accordance to ODU's Information Technology 可访问性标准在WCAG 2之后.2 standards.


除了主要的WordPress环境, we have a pre-production environment available for ODU faculty and staff who would like to experiment with new features and plug-ins. 在此测试环境中构建的站点不是公开的. In fact, access to the pre-production system is limited to wired campus computers and users of the ODU VPN. 登录并访问Pre-Production系统:


As more and more students use WordPress for coursework and ePortfolios, 导师和顾问需要能够审查学生的作业. Unfortunately, students sometimes forget to grant access to their sites.

Teaching faculty and departments who regularly review student work can request an "Assessor" role that provides read-only access to any ODU WordPress site, 不管站点的安全设置如何. 要请求此角色,只需发送电子邮件到 itshelp@htvdirect.net with:

  • 需要此角色的每个人的姓名和MIDAS ID
  • 请求的目的
  • the dates (beginning and end) that the individuals will need Assessor privileges


学生网站托管于 http://student.wp.htvdirect.net. 每个学生每个MIDAS ID允许一个个人网站. 学生网站将住在 student.wp.htvdirect.net/.

You can set up additional sites for classes or organizations by using the Manage My Sites menu option on the admin bar in WordPress. 课程和组织网站托管在 http://sites.wp.htvdirect.net network.

要创建您的个人网站,请转到 http://wp.htvdirect.net/wp-login.php.


Users are allowed to create as many sites as they need for courses, learning, student organizations and groups that are directly affiliated with ODU. 这些网站托管在第三方ODU WordPress网络上, http://sites.wp.htvdirect.net.

要为您的班级或组织创建网站,请转到 http://wp.htvdirect.net/wp-login.php. 您的页面将驻留在 sites.wp.htvdirect.net/xxxx,其中XXXX =您选择的名称(在限制内). Anyone who creates a site will be the primary owner and can assign others to be administrators.

希望创建个人页面的用户应该使用 Faculty & Staff Network or the Student Network.



教职员工可以建立个人网站,托管在 http://fs.wp.htvdirect.net. 每个MIDAS角色允许每个人拥有一个个人站点. 您的站点将驻留在 fs.wp.htvdirect.net/.

You can set up additional sites for courses and organizations by using the Manage My Sites menu option on the admin bar in WordPress. 课程和组织网站托管在 http://sites.wp.htvdirect.net network.

要创建您的个人网站,请转到 http://wp.htvdirect.net/wp-login.php.

All web sites created using WordPress must be developed in accordance to ODU's Information Technology 可访问性标准在WCAG 2之后.2 standards.


除了主要的WordPress环境, we have a pre-production environment available for ODU faculty and staff who would like to experiment with new features and plug-ins. 在此测试环境中构建的站点不是公开的. In fact, access to the pre-production system is limited to wired campus computers and users of the ODU VPN. 登录并访问Pre-Production系统:


As more and more students use WordPress for coursework and ePortfolios, 导师和顾问需要能够审查学生的作业. Unfortunately, students sometimes forget to grant access to their sites.

Teaching faculty and departments who regularly review student work can request an "Assessor" role that provides read-only access to any ODU WordPress site, 不管站点的安全设置如何. 要请求此角色,只需发送电子邮件到 itshelp@htvdirect.net with:

  • 需要此角色的每个人的姓名和MIDAS ID
  • 请求的目的
  • the dates (beginning and end) that the individuals will need Assessor privileges


学生网站托管于 http://student.wp.htvdirect.net. 每个学生每个MIDAS ID允许一个个人网站. 学生网站将住在 student.wp.htvdirect.net/.

You can set up additional sites for classes or organizations by using the Manage My Sites menu option on the admin bar in WordPress. 课程和组织网站托管在 http://sites.wp.htvdirect.net network.

要创建您的个人网站,请转到 http://wp.htvdirect.net/wp-login.php.


Users are allowed to create as many sites as they need for courses, learning, student organizations and groups that are directly affiliated with ODU. 这些网站托管在第三方ODU WordPress网络上, http://sites.wp.htvdirect.net.

要为您的班级或组织创建网站,请转到 http://wp.htvdirect.net/wp-login.php. 您的页面将驻留在 sites.wp.htvdirect.net/xxxx,其中XXXX =您选择的名称(在限制内). Anyone who creates a site will be the primary owner and can assign others to be administrators.

希望创建个人页面的用户应该使用 Faculty & Staff Network or the Student Network.



    Tutorials from ODU

    Your first stop: wp.htvdirect.net/tutorials-2. 这个广泛的支持站点, with tutorials geared specifically towards WordPress users at ODU, 不断更新. Here, 您将找到有关入门的信息, 使用ODU的主题和插件, 管理您的网站和更多. If you want to learn more about WordPress in general, see the tutorials below.


    These tutorials are largely text based, but still provide tons of useful information to developers. 更多教程可以在 WordPress Codex Page.



    Web Management


    The use of 最靠谱的网赌软件's WordPress systems falls under the 智能交通系统可接受的使用标准.

    Retention Timeline

    Site Type Removal Conditions
    Student sites 离开老自治领一年之后
    Faculty sites 离开老自治领一年之后
    Course sites 两年不活动


    • Migrate your site.
      There are tools available to help you export your site for transfer to another host, 所以当你离开的时候,你可以把你的网站带走. 请参阅“迁移站点”选项卡.
    • 转移你网站的所有权.
      网站的原始创建者是该网站的所有者, regardless of any other users or administrators who may have been added. Course sites (or other sites with historical value) can be passed along to a new owner after the original owner's departure. It is the site owner's responsibility to notify ITS if a site needs to be retained by someone else so ownership can be transferred. 联系ITS帮助台 itshelp@htvdirect.net.

    Storage Capacity

    • 单个文件上传限制为500 MB. Users are encouraged to use OneDrive, Google Drive, or other similar services for data sharing.
    • 站点最多可以占用1gb的存储空间.
    • 这些数据上限可以通过联系提高 wordpress@htvdirect.net. Please provide documentation or information to justify your needs.

    Embedding Videos

    To save space in WordPress, upload videos to Kaltura and embed them on your WordPress site:


    In an effort to make technology accessible to people with sensory or physical impairments, all websites that are created must follow ODU's Information Technology 可访问性标准. WordPress has more information 关于可访问性,如果你需要额外的资源.


    Faculty and staff can request specific plugins and themes by submitting a request through ITS Help Online. Within three days, the new plugins will be added to the pre-production system where they can be tested by other faculty and staff members. (预生产系统可在 http://wp.pprd.htvdirect.net 从校园或通过ODU VPN.)

    After plugins have been thoroughly tested in the pre-production environment for at least two weeks, they can be moved to the live production environment for everyone to use. ITS will move all new themes and plugins from pre-production to production at the beginning of every semester, 在秋季和春季学期的中途. 以限制服务中断, security updates will be the only changes applied to the production system during the semester periods.

    ITS将添加所有被请求的插件, even if they are similar to ones that already exist on the network. 超过12个月未使用的插件将被禁用, 使用最少的插件可能会在两年后被删除.

    To view a list of available plugins and themes on the ODU WordPress system, log into your ODU Google account 使用您的MIDAS ID和视图 this doc.

    Contact Forms

    Contact Form 7 is a handy WordPress plugin that allows visitors to contact you directly from your WordPress site while also protecting your site from spam.


    Do you already have a WordPress site that you'd like to migrate to ODU's network? Or maybe a standard html page that you'd like to transfer to WordPress? WordPress makes it pretty easy to import content from a wide range of sources. Use the tools at the right to export your current content and import it into your new ODU site.


    When you leave the University, you can take your personal WordPress content with you. 在你离开后保留你的网站, you'll need to export your information and upload it to another server. 右边的工具也能帮上忙.

    Migration Tools

    要将网站导出到外部WordPress系统,请遵循 在这里找到的说明.

    If you currently have an HTML site that you want to migrate to WordPress at ODU, the following plugins are available in the ODU WordPress system.

    Tutorials from ODU

    Your first stop: wp.htvdirect.net/tutorials-2. 这个广泛的支持站点, with tutorials geared specifically towards WordPress users at ODU, 不断更新. Here, 您将找到有关入门的信息, 使用ODU的主题和插件, 管理您的网站和更多. If you want to learn more about WordPress in general, see the tutorials below.


    These tutorials are largely text based, but still provide tons of useful information to developers. 更多教程可以在 WordPress Codex Page.



    Web Management


    The use of 最靠谱的网赌软件's WordPress systems falls under the 智能交通系统可接受的使用标准.

    Retention Timeline

    Site Type Removal Conditions
    Student sites 离开老自治领一年之后
    Faculty sites 离开老自治领一年之后
    Course sites 两年不活动


    • Migrate your site.
      There are tools available to help you export your site for transfer to another host, 所以当你离开的时候,你可以把你的网站带走. 请参阅“迁移站点”选项卡.
    • 转移你网站的所有权.
      网站的原始创建者是该网站的所有者, regardless of any other users or administrators who may have been added. Course sites (or other sites with historical value) can be passed along to a new owner after the original owner's departure. It is the site owner's responsibility to notify ITS if a site needs to be retained by someone else so ownership can be transferred. 联系ITS帮助台 itshelp@htvdirect.net.

    Storage Capacity

    • 单个文件上传限制为500 MB. Users are encouraged to use OneDrive, Google Drive, or other similar services for data sharing.
    • 站点最多可以占用1gb的存储空间.
    • 这些数据上限可以通过联系提高 wordpress@htvdirect.net. Please provide documentation or information to justify your needs.

    Embedding Videos

    To save space in WordPress, upload videos to Kaltura and embed them on your WordPress site:


    In an effort to make technology accessible to people with sensory or physical impairments, all websites that are created must follow ODU's Information Technology 可访问性标准. WordPress has more information 关于可访问性,如果你需要额外的资源.


    Faculty and staff can request specific plugins and themes by submitting a request through ITS Help Online. Within three days, the new plugins will be added to the pre-production system where they can be tested by other faculty and staff members. (预生产系统可在 http://wp.pprd.htvdirect.net 从校园或通过ODU VPN.)

    After plugins have been thoroughly tested in the pre-production environment for at least two weeks, they can be moved to the live production environment for everyone to use. ITS will move all new themes and plugins from pre-production to production at the beginning of every semester, 在秋季和春季学期的中途. 以限制服务中断, security updates will be the only changes applied to the production system during the semester periods.

    ITS将添加所有被请求的插件, even if they are similar to ones that already exist on the network. 超过12个月未使用的插件将被禁用, 使用最少的插件可能会在两年后被删除.

    To view a list of available plugins and themes on the ODU WordPress system, log into your ODU Google account 使用您的MIDAS ID和视图 this doc.

    Contact Forms

    Contact Form 7 is a handy WordPress plugin that allows visitors to contact you directly from your WordPress site while also protecting your site from spam.


    Do you already have a WordPress site that you'd like to migrate to ODU's network? Or maybe a standard html page that you'd like to transfer to WordPress? WordPress makes it pretty easy to import content from a wide range of sources. Use the tools at the right to export your current content and import it into your new ODU site.


    When you leave the University, you can take your personal WordPress content with you. 在你离开后保留你的网站, you'll need to export your information and upload it to another server. 右边的工具也能帮上忙.

    Migration Tools

    要将网站导出到外部WordPress系统,请遵循 在这里找到的说明.

    If you currently have an HTML site that you want to migrate to WordPress at ODU, the following plugins are available in the ODU WordPress system.