
Marina Saitgalina

诺福克 , 23529年

拥有俄罗斯的MPA学位和博士学位.D. from University of North Texas her research encompasses such areas of nonprofit management as professional associations, 社区参与, 应急管理, and volunteerism.

Ph.D. 北德克萨斯大学公共管理专业(2014)


Yusuf, J. and Saitgalina, M. "Connecting Universities for Resilience Research Accessible to End Users (CUR2ATE)" $50,000. Federal. 2021年7月至2022年6月
“课程提升补助金”$3,000. 最靠谱的网赌软件. 2021年6月- 2021年8月
Saitgalina, M. "The Role of Nonprofit Incubators and Accelerators in Encouraging the Evidence of Societal Impact from Local Community Startups and Entrepreneurs" $7,000. 最靠谱的网赌软件. 2020年7月1日- 2021年6月30日
Yusuf, J. and Saitgalina, M. "Issues and Challenges for Housing Recovery of Displaced Vulnerable Populations: Understanding the Nonprofit Support Sector within a Multi-sectoral Recovery Network" $15,000. 最靠谱的网赌软件. -
Yusuf, J., Behr, J. G., Diaz, R., Saitgalina, M., Whytlaw, J. and Shen, H. Helen. "Collaborative Research: Evacuation Assistance Decision Making to Enhance Disaster Resilience of Communities During Hurricanes" $160,000. Federal. -
Yusuf, J. “沿海see合作研究:切萨皮克湾海岸景观的可持续性”115,901美元. Federal. 2020年5月- 2020年8月
Carlee, R., Saitgalina, M. and Lombard, J. R. “超越IT——敏捷原则在政府管理中的应用”,20,000美元. Private. -
Saitgalina, M. “个人会员组织vs. 行业协会:如何在会员类型之外获得区别”7500美元. Private. -
Saitgalina, M. "The Impact of Managerial Perceptions on Nonprofits’ Collaborative Decisions: An Exploration of Systematic Bias" $7,000. 最靠谱的网赌软件. -
Saitgalina, M. "Analysis of Coordinated Community Care Network: The Case of The Mission United Program of The United Way South Hampton Roads" $1,000. Local. 2018年3月- 2018年8月
Saitgalina, M. “服务学习教学小额补助金”$500. 最靠谱的网赌软件. 2017年1月20日- 2017年5月20日
Saitgalina, M. “未来的会员参与模式”,7500美元. Private. 2013年7月1日- 2014年1月15日



Research Interests

非营利组织管理, nonprofit-government合作, 专业会员协会, volunteerism, 公民和政治参与.


Yusuf, J., Jordan, M. M., Saitgalina, M. and Jones, P. A. (2023). 国家财务信息可及性:国家MD分析&A大小、可读性和时效性 . 公共行政季刊 47 (4) , pp. 429-455.
Yusuf, J., Covi, M., Rawat, P. and Saitgalina, M. (2023). Balance by Compromise and Negotiation: Does a Citizen-led Shoreline Regulatory Process Achieve Environmental Policy Outcomes?. Wetlands 44 (4).
Alshayhan, N., Hill, S., Saitgalina, M. and Yusuf, J. (2023). Leadership in Collaborative Emergency Management for Compound Hurricane-Pandemic Threats: Insights from Practitioners’ Experiences. Risk, Hazards & 公共政策危机.
Alshayhan, N., Yusuf, J., Saitgalina, M. and Corbett, M. E. (2023). Career mentorship of graduate students in public administration at the intersection of the relationship between students and faculty . 公共事务教育杂志 29 (4) , pp. 497-521.
Saitgalina, M., Yusuf, J. and Covi, M. (2023). Shoreline Management and Coastal Resilience in Virginia: Analysis of the Roles of Environmental Nonprofit Organizations in Encouraging Living Shorelines. 沿海管理 51 (3) , pp. 172-185.
Saitgalina, M., Yusuf, J. Olanrewaju-Lasisi, T. (2022). Between the Public and the Private Interest: The Interrelationship of Intermediary Roles of Environmental Nonprofits in Coastal Resilience . Administration & Society.
Valero, J. N., Saitgalina, M. and Black, R. (2021). Understanding the Nature of Nonprofit Incubators and Accelerators in the Founding of Social Change Organizations by Social Entrepreneurs . 社会企业家杂志.
Hutton, N. S., Mumford, S. W., Saitgalina, M., Yusuf, J., Behr, J. G., Diaz, R. and Kiefer, J. J. (2021). Nonprofit Capacity to Manage a Hurricane-Pandemic Threat: Local and National Perspectives on Resilience During COVID-19. 国际公共行政杂志.
Yusuf, J., Nicula, J.圣约翰三世., Jordan, M. M., Covi, M., Considine, C., Saitgalina, M. and Behr, J. G. (2021). Developing an Institutional Arrangement for a Whole-of- Government and Whole-of-Community Approach to Regional Adaptation to Sea Level Rise: The Hampton Roads Pilot Project. 国际公共行政杂志.
Yusuf, J., Saitgalina, M. and Chapman, D. (2020). 工作与生活的平衡与研究生的健康与幸福. 公共事务教育杂志.
Saitgalina, M., Dicke, L. A. and Birungi, P. (2019). Organizational determinants of political involvement in trade and 专业会员协会. 非营利政策论坛.
Saitgalina, M. and Council, D. (2019). 弗吉尼亚州退伍军人服务协调护理网络的情境化绩效. 社会服务研究杂志.
Taquechel, E. and Saitgalina, M. (2018). 关键基础设施保护的基于风险的绩效指标? 研究与分析框架. 国土安全事务.
Saitgalina, M., Bennett, A. A., Reina, C. S. and Coombs, J. E. (2018). Serving Others at the Expense of Self: The Relationship Between Nonprofit CEO Compensation and Performance in Trade and Professional Associations. 公共与非营利事务杂志 4 (2).
Saitgalina, M. (2018). Modelling volunteer retention in 专业会员协会 through targeting specific motivations and satisfying certain aspects of volunteer experience. 国际义工管理杂志 XXXIII (1).
Jang, H., Feiock, R. and Saitgalina, M. (2016). 非营利性自组织合作中的机构集体行动问题. Administration & Society 48 (2) , pp. 163-189.
Andrew, S. A.., Arlikatti, S. and Saitgalina, M. (2013). Managing the Impact of Disaster: Patterns of Post-Tsunami Sheltering and Duration of Stay in South India. 《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》 15 (3) , pp. 383-401.

Book Chapters

Saitgalina, M., Zhao, T., Stebbins, R. A. and Smith, D. H. (2017). 参加贸易和商业协会 帕尔格雷夫志愿服务、公民参与和非营利组织手册 (pp. (417-435)麦克米兰.


Saitgalina, M. (March , 2023). Partnering to advance equity in coastal resilience: Lessons learned for research and practice collaborations for on-the-ground projects Paper American Society of 公共管理 Virtual.
Saitgalina, M. (November , 2022). Managing the Coastline: The Roles of Environmental Nongovernmental Organizations in Encouraging Living Shoreline Projects Paper Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Raleigh, NC.
Yusuf, J., Saitgalina, M. and Chapman, D. (June 17, 2020). 工作与生活的平衡与研究生的健康与幸福 Paper Student Success Conference “Healthy Campus: Prescription for Success & Wellness" Online.
Valero, J. N., Saitgalina, M. and Black, R. (2019年11月22日). Understanding the Founding of Community-Based Organizations by Social Entrepreneurs: The Role of Nonprofit Organizations Paper Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action San Diego, CA.
Saitgalina, M., Birungi, P. and Dicke, L. A. (2018年11月17日). Organizational perspective on political activism of 专业会员协会 Paper Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Austin, TX.
Saitgalina, M. (2018年11月14日). Outcome evaluation of a coordinated community care network for veterans and their families Poster Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Austin, TX.
Saitgalina, M., Nguyen, L. and Jordan, M. M. (October 5, 2018). 审计委员会是否提高了治理对公益服务非营利组织财政健康的影响? 预算和财务管理协会,丹佛,科罗拉多州.
Saitgalina, M. (March , 2018). Measuring Success in Meeting Veterans’ Needs Using Coordinated Care Network Paper Symposium on Nonprofits and Urban Social Impact Lubbock, TX.
Saitgalina, M., Nguyen, L. and Jordan, M. M. (2017年9月). 审计委员会的独立性是否重要? An Assessment of Virginia Nonprofits Paper Association for Budgeting and Financial Management Washington, DC.
Reed, E. and Saitgalina, M. (June 1, 2017). The Internalization and Externalization of Child Problem Behaviors: Rupturing the school-to-prison pipeline system Oral Presentation Midwest Public Affairs Conference Omaha, Nebraska.
Saitgalina, M. and Dicke, L. (April , 2015). 专业会员协会如何为其会员提供有意义的价值?:创建隶属关系和参与模式论文芝加哥中西部政治科学协会, IL.
Saitgalina, M. (April , 2015). Organizational perspective on variation in levels of political activity in nonprofit 专业会员协会 Paper Midwest Political Science Association Chicago, IL.
Saitgalina, M. and Dicke, L. (November , 2014). Value of professional membership through a prism of cultural differences: creating models of affiliation and engagement Poster Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action Denver, CO.
Saitgalina, M. and Dicke, L. (March , 2014). 创建成员价值?:文化与时代分析,美国公共行政学会,华盛顿, DC.