

诺福克 , 23529年

Dr. Rhea completed his PhD in Kinesiology with a specialization in biomechanics at Purdue University in 2009. 然后他完成了一个2.5 year postdoc at Brown University and the Providence VA Medical Center focusing on the use of virtual reality to enhance rehabilitation. 2011年至2022年,博士. Rhea was a faculty member in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, rising from Assistant Professor to Full Professor before joining ODU in June 2022 as the Associate Dean for 研究 & 健康科学学院的创新. Dr. Rhea continues to have an active and funded line of research that focuses on the use of advanced technology (e.g.(虚拟现实,智能手机),以促进人类健康.

Ph.D. 普渡大学运动机能学博士,(2009)

M.S. 运动科学,巴里大学,(2004)

B.S. 中密苏里大学体育教育硕士(2002)


土卫五C. K. "Longitudinal assessment of neuromotor control after repeated sub-concussive head trauma from blast exposure; funded by Department of Defense" $958,937. 联邦. 2020 - 2025
Raffegeau T. E. 瑞亚,C. K. "Using virtual reality to study cognitive and affective risk factors for falls in older adults; funded by 4-VA" $20,045. 状态. 2023 - 2024
陈.霍尔德曼,L.瑞亚,C. K.戈德法布,A.福勒,J. 亨普希尔,M. "The science of essential balance; funded by NIH" $1,246,118. 联邦. 2018 - 2023
McGuirt J. T.戴森,O. L. 瑞亚,C. K. "Designing and testing a community context driven evidence-based virtual avatar coaching approach to improve access to health promotion programs for low-income children and families (Phase 2); funded by HRSA" $30,000. 联邦. 2019 - 2021
Raisbeck L. D.拉班,J. 瑞亚,C. K. "Merging attentional focus and balance training to reduce fall risk in older adults; funded by NIH" $345,472. 联邦. 2017 - 2021
土卫五C. K. "TBI Assessment of Readiness using a 步态 Evaluation Test (TARGET): Development of a portable mTBI screening device; funded by Department of Defense" $941,639. 联邦. 2015 - 2020
McGuirt J. T.戴森,O. L. 瑞亚,C. K. "Designing and testing a community context driven evidence-based virtual avatar coaching approach to improve access to health promotion programs for low-income children and families (Phase 1); funded by HRSA" $10,000. 联邦. 2018 - 2019
土卫五C. K. "Balance assessment following combat mTBI (Phase 2); funded by 美国海军" $18,818. 联邦. 2016 - 2016
达菲,D. M. 瑞亚,C. K. “诊断, 评价, and return-to-play after concussion in women athletes playing full contact American football; funded by 女子足球基金会" $69,000. 私人. 2014 - 2016
土卫五C. K. "Balance assessment following combat mTBI (Phase 1); funded by 美国海军" $104,182. 联邦. 2015 - 2015
土卫五C. K. "Nonlinear dynamics analysis of biomechanical and physiological data from the Navy Experimental Diving Unit; funded by 美国海军" $100,000. 联邦. 2014 - 2014
土卫五C. K. 里特迪克,S. "Do optical properties of obstacles affect the risk of tripping in construction workers?; funded by NIOSH" $4,970. 联邦. 2006 - 2006
土卫五C. K. 里特迪克,S. "Risk assessment of tripping for construction workers: Application of action-perception theory; funded by NIOSH" $13,385. 联邦. 2005 - 2005


Dr. Rhea's research lies at the intersection of neuromotor control and advanced technology (e.g.(虚拟现实、智能手机),以应对人类健康挑战. 为了达到这个目的,Dr. 瑞亚的团队得到了美国国立卫生研究院的资助, 国防部, 美国海军, HRSA, NIOSH, 女子足球基金会, 和4-VA探索老年人跌倒相关的解决方案, 脑震荡, 服务成员健康状况, 职业健康, 儿童的身体活动和营养.


山田,M.洛斯,K. R.瑞亚,C. K.Schmitz, R. J. 莱兹贝克,L. D. (2024). 注意力集中线索会影响显性规则的类型或数量吗? 证明自我触发或显性知识假设的概念. 体育心理学 & 锻炼 70.
梦露,维. C.贝瑞,加州. T.菲诺,P. C. 瑞亚,C. K. (2023). A dynamical systems approach to characterizing brain-body interactions during movement: Challenges, 解释, 和建议. 传感器 23 (14) , pp. 6296.
Butler-Storsved L. A.科克·布朗,P. L.吉尔,D。. L. 瑞亚,C. K. (2023). he effect of an intentional functional movement warm-up on 9th graders’ movement quality. 体育教育者 80 , pp. 295-310.
杉本学说,Y. A.瑞亚,C. K. 罗斯,S。. E. (2023). Modified proximal thigh kinematics captured with a novel smartphone app in individuals with a history of recurrent ankle sprains and altered dorsiflexion with walking. 临床生物力学 105 , pp. 105955.
杉本学说,Y.麦肯,P. O.瑞亚,C. K.Schmitz, R. J.汉森,R. A.罗斯,S. E. 马塔科拉,C. G. (2023). Sensory reweighting system differences on vestibular feedback with increased task constraints in individuals with chronic ankle instability compared to healthy controls. 运动训练杂志.
地中海,K. M.洛·雅科诺(LoJacono), C. T. 瑞亚,C. K. (2022). A systematic review of non-pharmalogical interventions to improve gait asymmetries in neurological populations. 对称 14 , pp. 281.
梦露,维. C.杜波依斯,S.瑞亚,C. K. 和达菲,D. M. (2022). Age-related trajectories of brain structure-function coupling in female roller derby athletes. 大脑科学 12 , pp. 22.
浆果,N. T.瑞亚,C. K. 以及L .怀德曼. (2022). 心脏-下丘脑-垂体耦合在休息和运动时的反应. 24 (8) , pp. 1045.
土卫五C. K.山田,M.库兹涅佐夫,N. A.Jakiela, J. T.洛·雅科诺(LoJacono), C. T.罗斯,S. E.哈兰,F. J.贝利,J. M. 怀特,W。. G. (2022). 脑震荡后的神经运动变化可以通过一款定制的智能手机应用程序来检测. 《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》 17 (12) , pp. e0278994.
山田,M.洛斯,K. R.瑞亚,C. K.Schmitz, R. J. 莱兹贝克,L. D. (2022). Practice–not task difficulty–mediated the focus of attention effect on a speed-accuracy tradeoff task. 知觉和运动技能 129 (5) , pp. 1504-1524.
Park-Braswell K.新郎,D. R.舒尔茨,S. J.莱兹贝克,L. D.瑞亚,C. K. Schmitz, R. J. (2022). 单腿运动中不同性别的大脑功能. 国际运动物理治疗杂志 17 (7) , pp. 1249-1258.
哈兰,F. J.方便,方便. D.Servatius, R. J.瑞亚,C. K. 和曹,J. W. (2021). Acute neurocognitive deficits in active duty service members following subconcussive blast exposure. 应用神经心理学:成人 28 (3) , pp. 297-309.
科克伦,年代. M.艾肯,C. A.瑞亚,C. K. 莱兹贝克,L. D. (2021). Effects of an external focus of attention and target occlusion on performance in virtual reality. 人体运动科学 76 , pp. 102753.
基弗,. W.C .阿米塔诺-拉戈. N.圆锥,B. L.Bonnette, S.瑞亚,C. K.南卡罗来纳州康明斯-塞布里. 莱利,M。. A. (2021). 从童年晚期到成年早期的姿势控制发展. 步态 & 的姿势 86 , pp. 169-173.
希金斯,我. Q.拉班,J. D.斯托特,R. D.费尔布罗泽,J. T.瑞亚,C. K. 莱兹贝克,L. D. (2021). Postural control in older adults during and following a 12-week balance training intervention with attentional focus instructions. 运动学习与发展杂志 9 (3) , pp. 345-370.
Felsberg D. T. 瑞亚,C. K. (2021). 步态的自发人际同步:系统回顾. 康复研究档案 & 临床翻译 3 , pp. 100097.
McGuirt J. T.B.戴森,O. L.马拉德,L.特里皮乔,G. 瑞亚,C. K. (2021). 虚拟化身教练与社区背景下的成人-儿童双低收入. 营养教育与行为杂志 53 (3) , pp. 232-239.
元,W.达德利,J.斯卢茨基-加内什,A.利奇,J.Schiefele, P.阿尔塔耶,M.福斯,K. D.瑞亚,C. K. Myer, G. D. (2021). White matter alteration following SWAT explosive breaching training and the moderating effect of a neck collar device: a DTI and NODDI study. 军事医学 186 (11-12) , pp. 1183-1190.
Raisbeck L. D.迪克弗斯,J. D. 瑞亚,C. K. (2020). Does an external focus improve single-leg jump distance individuals with chronic ankle instability?. 体育训练 & 运动保健 12 (6) , pp. 265-271.
斯塔福德郡,J. W.罗斯,S. E.莱兹贝克,L. D. 瑞亚,C. K. (2020). 感知疲劳和工作量对两个移动平衡测试的影响. 国际运动科学杂志 10 (6) , pp. 123-130.
玻璃,年代. M.圆锥,B. L.瑞亚,C. K.杜菲,D. M. 罗斯,S。. E. (2020). Sex-specific dependence of linear and nonlinear postural control metrics on anthropometrics during clinical balance tests in healthy young adults. 运动康复杂志 29 , pp. 405-412.
浆果,N. T.韦德曼,L. 瑞亚,C. K. (2020). 非平稳功能的变异性和复杂性:运动后HRV的方法. 非线性动力学,心理学和生命科学 24 (4) , pp. 367-387.
Wittstein, M. W.斯塔罗宾,J. M.Schmitz, R. J.舒尔茨,S. J.哈兰,F. J. 瑞亚,C. K. (2019). Cardiac and gait rhythms in healthy younger and older adults during treadmill walking tasks. 衰老临床与实验研究 31 (3) , pp. 367-375.
土卫五C. K.Schleich, K. N.华盛顿,L。.玻璃,S. M.罗斯,S. E.埃特尼尔,J. L.怀特,W. G.高布尔,D. J. 和达菲,D. M. (2019). 美国女橄榄球运动员的神经运动和神经认知表现. 体育训练 & 运动保健 11 (5) , pp. 224-233.
土卫五C. K.迪克弗斯,J. A.费尔布罗泽,J. T. 莱兹贝克,L. D. (2019). 采用外部注意焦点时,姿态控制熵增加. 电机控制 23 (2) , pp. 230-242.
玻璃,年代. M.瑞亚,C. K.Schmitz, R. J. 罗斯,S。. E. (2019). Potential mediators of load-related changes in movement complexity in young, healthy adults. 运动训练杂志 54 (1) , pp. 70-80.
玻璃,年代. M.Schmitz, R. J.瑞亚,C. K. 罗斯,S。. E. (2019). Potential mediators of load-related decreases in movement quality in young, healthy adults. 运动训练杂志 54 (1) , pp. 81-89.
元,W.福斯,K. D.托马斯·S.加洛韦,R.狄更斯,C.达德利,J.利奇,J.谢菲勒,P.阿尔塔耶,M.塔瓦奇,T. M.瑞亚,C. K. Myer, G. D. (2019). The impact of low-level blast exposure on brain function after a one-day tactile training and the ameliorating effect of a jugular vein compression neck collar device. 神经创伤杂志 36 , pp. 721-734.
Diekfuss J. D.瑞亚,C. K.Schmitz, R. J.新郎,D. R.威尔金斯,R. W.斯卢茨基,A. B. 莱兹贝克,L. D. (2019). 7天训练中注意力集中对平衡控制的影响. 运动行为杂志 51 (3) , pp. 281-292.
Felsberg D. T., Maher, J. P. 瑞亚,C. (2019). The state of behavior change techniques in virtual reality rehabilitation of neurologic populations: A systematic review. 心理学前沿:运动科学和运动心理学 10 , pp. 979.