

October 1 - 5, 2023

“After all, I absorb the world around me, 和 that’s changing all the time. Just as all the water that was in my body last time we met has now been replaced with new water, 构成我的东西也变了.”

In a time of technological advancements that seem to challenge the very nature of writing 和 art, we come together to reconnect 和 reaffirm the transformational 和 profoundly human act of making 和 experiencing the written word. Writing or reading, performing or viewing, 我们超越自己,在这个过程中永远改变. 加入我们的第46届年度ODU文学节, as we celebrate poets, 小说家, 一些回忆录作家, 演员, directors 和 all those who tell the stories that link us together 和 change the way we underst和 ourselves 和 our world.

Dr. 路易莎一个. Igloria 和 Kent Wascom
2023 Festival Co-directors


Free parking available in Constant Center/45th Street Garage for events in University Theatre.

For more information, please contact the Old Dominion University English Department at (757) 683-3991 or email mfagpdassistant@htvdirect.net.

在脸谱网上关注文学节 @ODULitFest 在Instagram上 @olddominionmfa


除非另有说明,所有活动均在大学剧院举行. 在脸谱网上关注文学节: @ODULitFest

4 p.m., Opening Reception

绿洋葱餐厅,1603 Colley大道


12:00 p.m. Chauna克雷格 & 洁蕊Dickseski Prize Presentation

Chauna克雷格 has published her stories 和 essays in numerous anthologies 和 literary journals, including 犁头, 草原篷车, 第四类型, 西南风Flash Fiction America (forthcoming 2023). 她获得了佛蒙特工作室中心的奖学金和奖学金, Hedgebrook, 和 Bread Loaf Writers' Conference. 她是蒙大拿州人,目前住在宾夕法尼亚州西部. 寡妇的食用菌指南 was her debut story collection, 和 翅膀 & 其他的事情 is her second, both with Press 53.


4:00 p.m. 教师阅读


Jane Alberdeston’s 作品已发表在各种选集和期刊,如 Step into a World, Bum Rush the Page, Paterson Literary Review, 马尾藻:加勒比文学杂志, The Acentos Review, Rock 和 Sling: A Journal of Witness, Manteca! An Anthology of AfroBoricua Poets, 和 加勒比海的远景. She is the co-author of the YA novel Sister Chicas, 和 the novel Colony 51, coming in December 2023. She is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Old Dominion University. 







陈玛丽安 他在德国斯图加特和密歇根州兰辛长大. After she earned her B.A. 从密歇根州立大学获得英语学位, 她继续在内华达大学学习诗歌, 拉斯维加斯, where she earned her MFA. 

Marianne is the author of 所有的异教徒, 谁获得了2021年GLCA新作家诗歌奖, the 2021 Ohioana Book Award in Poetry, 和 the 2022 Association for Asian American Studies Book Award for Outst和ing Achievement. 她的诗发表在《最靠谱的网赌软件》上, New Engl和 Review, 肯扬审查, Michigan Quarterly Review, 和其他地方. 2017-2019年,她担任《最靠谱的网赌软件》杂志的诗歌编辑. She is a Kundiman fellow.

She lives in Norfolk, Virginia . She is married to the fiction writer 克兰西McGilligan. 



7:00 p.m. 布莱恩•特纳


布莱恩•特纳 他是五部诗集的作者,最近出版的是: The Wild Delight of Wild Things (2023), The Goodbye World Poem (2023)和 The Dead Peasant’s H和book (2023),全部由爱丽丝·詹姆斯出版社出版. His other collections include Here, Bullet to Phantom Noise, 以及回忆录《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》. He is the editor of The Kiss 和 co-editor of The Strangest of Theatres anthologies. 一个音乐家, he has also written 和 recorded several albums with The Interplanetary Acoustic Team, 包括11·11 (Me Smiling)和The Retro Legion的《最靠谱的网赌软件》. 他的诗歌和散文曾发表在《最靠谱的网赌软件》上, 《最靠谱的网赌软件》, National Geographic, 哈珀, among other fine journals, 和 he was featured in the documentary film Operation 同学会: Writing the Wartime Experience, 获得奥斯卡金像奖提名的电影. A Guggenheim Fellow, 他获得了美国希尔克雷斯特文学奖学金, the Amy Lowell Traveling Fellowship, 诗人奖, 以及兰南基金会的奖学金. He lives in Orl和o, Florida, with his dog, Dene, the world’s sweetest golden retriever.

12:00 p.m. Virginie Beauregard D., with Peter Schulman


Virginie Beauregard D. 是三本著名诗集的作者: Les heures se trompent de but (The hours miss their mark) in 2010; in 2014 she published D’une main sauvage (From a Savage H和) which was a finalist for the Emile Nelligan Prize in 2015 和 a winner of the Jean Lafrenière Prize at the 国际 Poetry Festival of Trois-Rivières in 2016. Les derniers coureurs (最后的跑者) in 2018 和 was a finalist for the prestigious Prix des Libraires in 2019. 这三卷都是由Les Editions de l 'Ecrou出版的. 2019年,她出版了一本儿童读物, Perruche (长尾小鹦鹉) La Courte Echelle. She is very active in the contemporary Quebecois poetry world 和 one of her earliest poems, “Vous êtes tous des petits garcons qui rêvez de lilas en fleurs” (“你们都是梦想着盛开的紫丁香的小男孩) was performed by the theater company Thêatre de Quatre Sous in Montreal in 2009.

6:00 p.m. 彼得·韦勒


headshot of 彼得·韦勒

Dr. 彼得·韦勒 是著名的演员、导演和意大利文艺复兴时期的艺术史学家. 他是最著名的标志性电影明星 机器战警 (1987)和 机器战警2 (1990), The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (1984)和 裸体午餐 (1991). 他最近的出场(角色和客串角色)包括, Star Trek Into Darkness (2013), the TV series 德克斯特 (2010)和 24 (2006). Dr. 韦勒也是一位广受好评的导演,导演了许多集 混乱之子 (2011-2014), Longmire (2012-2017), 和 most recently 夏威夷五点 (2013-2019). In addition to his long 和 successful career in theatre, film, 和 television, Dr. Weller is an art historian. He received his PhD in Art 历史 with a specialization in Italian Renaissance Art from UCLA. He is the author of an important peer-reviewed article on the Italian Renaissance sculptor 捐赠llo (“捐赠llo’s Bronze 大卫 in the Twenty-First Century,” 2012), 和 an essay contribution on the Italian Renaissance painter Antonello da Messina (in Visualizing Sensuous Suffering 和 Affective Pain in Early Modern Europe 和 the Spanish Americas,布里尔,2018).

7:30 p.m. 来自Naro视频在ODU图书馆:新时代(1994年)与彼得·韦勒

12:00 p.m. Michael Patrick Pearson


Michael Patrick Pearson, for many years a professor of creative writing 和 literature at Old Dominion University, 在《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》上发表过文章和评论, The Atlanta Journal 和 Constitution, The 纽约时报, The Washington Post, The Southern Literary Journal, Shen和oah Review, 肖陶扩村, 早间最靠谱的网赌软件, Creative Nonfiction, The New York Journal of Books,以及其他.  He is the author of many books – among them Imagined Places: Journeys into Literary America (1991 –a NYT Notable Book), 《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》(1999),Innocents Abroad Too (2008 -- a narrative about two journeys around the world by ship), Reading Life -- On Books, 内存, 《最靠谱的网赌软件》(2015), 和 Shohola Falls (2003 -- a coming-of-age novel that imagines the hidden life of Mark Twain 和 the journal of Thomas Blankenship (the real-life Huck Finn).  他的新书, The Road to Dungannon (2023), 是关于他外祖父的故事吗, Irish history 和 literature, 以及作者在岛上的旅行.  威利莫里斯, the former editor of Harper's, 说, “迈克尔·皮尔森是我们国家最优秀的回忆录作家之一."

4:00 p.m. 校友读数

Am和a Galvan Huynh (她/她)是来自德克萨斯州的西加纳作家和教育家. She is the author of a chapbook, Brujería之歌 (2019年9月) Of Color: Poets’ Ways of Making: An Anthology of Essays on Transformative Poetics (The Operating System 2019). Her debut poetry collection, Where My Umbilical is Buried, 将于2023年3月由Sundress出版社出版. 阿曼达被提名手推车奖, 最佳新诗人, 以及Sundress出版公司的“网络最佳”. 她是2016年AWP介绍期刊项目奖得主, 2018 Best of the Net Winner, 2015年Gloria Anzaldúa诗歌奖的决赛选手, 也是2017年美国诗歌协会手册奖学金的决赛选手. 她的诗歌可以在印刷品和在线杂志上阅读 Hayden’s Ferry Review, 太阳港, The Southampton Review,以及其他. 

阿曼达在最靠谱的网赌软件获得了诗歌艺术硕士学位, 在德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校获得英语学士学位, 并在德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校获得生物学学士学位. Currently, she is a doctoral student in English at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.




理查德Leise 在纽约州伊萨卡城外写作和教学.  最靠谱的网赌软件艺术硕士项目佩里·摩根研究员, 他的小说和诗歌发表在许多出版物上.  他的处女作, 被死,将于2023年秋季在布里吉德斯门出版社上市.

鲍勃Kunzinger 一个作品曾在 Southern Humanities Review, 二战的历史, The Chronicle of Higher Education, St Anthony Messenger, Ilanot审查, 红隼, the Washington Post 还有很多其他的. 他著有十本论著,包括 忏悔, still very popular in Prague, 和 相当疯狂,, a collection of essays which includes several noted by Best American Essays. 他的下一本书是叙事回忆录, 《铁疤:西伯利亚的父子他来自Madville出版社,之前的散文集就是他写的, A Third Place: Notes in Nature.



特雷西·赖斯·韦伯  is a longtime educator who currently teaches as an adjunct at Christopher Newport University in Newport 最靠谱的网赌软件, 弗吉尼亚州和诺福克的缪斯写作中心. A graduate of the ODU MFA Program, her work can be found in River River, The Bangalore Review, 在诗人.作为美国诗人学会学院诗歌奖的获得者, 并将在《CALYX》2024年冬/春刊中发表. In 2021, her chapbook, All That Keeps Me was published by Finishing Line Press. 工具 & Ornaments, her first full-length collection of poems, will be released by St. Julian Press in fall 2023. 她和丈夫以及三个儿子中的两个住在弗吉尼亚州的汉普顿.

Van Vaneendenburg 在30多年的海军生涯中担任分析师, retiring as a captain, 并拥有南加州大学的硕士学位. She is the inaugural S.C.R.Y. 文学研究员(Scry Creative residency); scrymagazine.com) 和 a National Endowment for the 艺术 军事 Veteran Fellow at the Virginia Center for the Creative 艺术.  A graduate of the ODU MFA program, 范的作品曾出现在《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》杂志上, a collection of personal essays pushing against individual 和 bureaucratic identities of the post-Vietnam Navy, 和 《姐妹之战:我们所学到的教训 (2023). 

7:00 p.m. S.A. 考斯比

S. A. 考斯比 是来自弗吉尼亚州东南部的安东尼奖得主吗. He is the author of the 纽约时报 畅销书 All the Sinners Bleed, 《剃刀之泪》和《最靠谱的网赌软件》,赢得了 Los Angeles Times 获得图书奖 纽约时报 著名的书,并被评为年度最佳书籍 NPR, 《最靠谱的网赌软件》, 图书馆杂志, 等. 不写作时,他热衷徒步旅行和下棋.


7:00 p.m. Andrew Joseph White

Andrew Joseph White is a queer, trans, 纽约时报 bestselling author from Virginia, where he grew up falling in love with monsters 和 wishing he could be one too. He received his MFA in creative writing from George Mason University in 2022. Find him at AndrewJosephWhite.com or on 推特 @AJWhiteAuthor.

4 p.m., Opening Reception

绿洋葱餐厅,1603 Colley大道


12:00 p.m. Chauna克雷格 & 洁蕊Dickseski Prize Presentation

Chauna克雷格 has published her stories 和 essays in numerous anthologies 和 literary journals, including 犁头, 草原篷车, 第四类型, 西南风Flash Fiction America (forthcoming 2023). 她获得了佛蒙特工作室中心的奖学金和奖学金, Hedgebrook, 和 Bread Loaf Writers' Conference. 她是蒙大拿州人,目前住在宾夕法尼亚州西部. 寡妇的食用菌指南 was her debut story collection, 和 翅膀 & 其他的事情 is her second, both with Press 53.


4:00 p.m. 教师阅读


Jane Alberdeston’s 作品已发表在各种选集和期刊,如 Step into a World, Bum Rush the Page, Paterson Literary Review, 马尾藻:加勒比文学杂志, The Acentos Review, Rock 和 Sling: A Journal of Witness, Manteca! An Anthology of AfroBoricua Poets, 和 加勒比海的远景. She is the co-author of the YA novel Sister Chicas, 和 the novel Colony 51, coming in December 2023. She is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Old Dominion University. 







陈玛丽安 他在德国斯图加特和密歇根州兰辛长大. After she earned her B.A. 从密歇根州立大学获得英语学位, 她继续在内华达大学学习诗歌, 拉斯维加斯, where she earned her MFA. 

Marianne is the author of 所有的异教徒, 谁获得了2021年GLCA新作家诗歌奖, the 2021 Ohioana Book Award in Poetry, 和 the 2022 Association for Asian American Studies Book Award for Outst和ing Achievement. 她的诗发表在《最靠谱的网赌软件》上, New Engl和 Review, 肯扬审查, Michigan Quarterly Review, 和其他地方. 2017-2019年,她担任《最靠谱的网赌软件》杂志的诗歌编辑. She is a Kundiman fellow.

She lives in Norfolk, Virginia . She is married to the fiction writer 克兰西McGilligan. 



7:00 p.m. 布莱恩•特纳


布莱恩•特纳 他是五部诗集的作者,最近出版的是: The Wild Delight of Wild Things (2023), The Goodbye World Poem (2023)和 The Dead Peasant’s H和book (2023),全部由爱丽丝·詹姆斯出版社出版. His other collections include Here, Bullet to Phantom Noise, 以及回忆录《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》. He is the editor of The Kiss 和 co-editor of The Strangest of Theatres anthologies. 一个音乐家, he has also written 和 recorded several albums with The Interplanetary Acoustic Team, 包括11·11 (Me Smiling)和The Retro Legion的《最靠谱的网赌软件》. 他的诗歌和散文曾发表在《最靠谱的网赌软件》上, 《最靠谱的网赌软件》, National Geographic, 哈珀, among other fine journals, 和 he was featured in the documentary film Operation 同学会: Writing the Wartime Experience, 获得奥斯卡金像奖提名的电影. A Guggenheim Fellow, 他获得了美国希尔克雷斯特文学奖学金, the Amy Lowell Traveling Fellowship, 诗人奖, 以及兰南基金会的奖学金. He lives in Orl和o, Florida, with his dog, Dene, the world’s sweetest golden retriever.

12:00 p.m. Virginie Beauregard D., with Peter Schulman


Virginie Beauregard D. 是三本著名诗集的作者: Les heures se trompent de but (The hours miss their mark) in 2010; in 2014 she published D’une main sauvage (From a Savage H和) which was a finalist for the Emile Nelligan Prize in 2015 和 a winner of the Jean Lafrenière Prize at the 国际 Poetry Festival of Trois-Rivières in 2016. Les derniers coureurs (最后的跑者) in 2018 和 was a finalist for the prestigious Prix des Libraires in 2019. 这三卷都是由Les Editions de l 'Ecrou出版的. 2019年,她出版了一本儿童读物, Perruche (长尾小鹦鹉) La Courte Echelle. She is very active in the contemporary Quebecois poetry world 和 one of her earliest poems, “Vous êtes tous des petits garcons qui rêvez de lilas en fleurs” (“你们都是梦想着盛开的紫丁香的小男孩) was performed by the theater company Thêatre de Quatre Sous in Montreal in 2009.

6:00 p.m. 彼得·韦勒


headshot of 彼得·韦勒

Dr. 彼得·韦勒 是著名的演员、导演和意大利文艺复兴时期的艺术史学家. 他是最著名的标志性电影明星 机器战警 (1987)和 机器战警2 (1990), The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (1984)和 裸体午餐 (1991). 他最近的出场(角色和客串角色)包括, Star Trek Into Darkness (2013), the TV series 德克斯特 (2010)和 24 (2006). Dr. 韦勒也是一位广受好评的导演,导演了许多集 混乱之子 (2011-2014), Longmire (2012-2017), 和 most recently 夏威夷五点 (2013-2019). In addition to his long 和 successful career in theatre, film, 和 television, Dr. Weller is an art historian. He received his PhD in Art 历史 with a specialization in Italian Renaissance Art from UCLA. He is the author of an important peer-reviewed article on the Italian Renaissance sculptor 捐赠llo (“捐赠llo’s Bronze 大卫 in the Twenty-First Century,” 2012), 和 an essay contribution on the Italian Renaissance painter Antonello da Messina (in Visualizing Sensuous Suffering 和 Affective Pain in Early Modern Europe 和 the Spanish Americas,布里尔,2018).

7:30 p.m. 来自Naro视频在ODU图书馆:新时代(1994年)与彼得·韦勒

12:00 p.m. Michael Patrick Pearson


Michael Patrick Pearson, for many years a professor of creative writing 和 literature at Old Dominion University, 在《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》上发表过文章和评论, The Atlanta Journal 和 Constitution, The 纽约时报, The Washington Post, The Southern Literary Journal, Shen和oah Review, 肖陶扩村, 早间最靠谱的网赌软件, Creative Nonfiction, The New York Journal of Books,以及其他.  He is the author of many books – among them Imagined Places: Journeys into Literary America (1991 –a NYT Notable Book), 《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》(1999),Innocents Abroad Too (2008 -- a narrative about two journeys around the world by ship), Reading Life -- On Books, 内存, 《最靠谱的网赌软件》(2015), 和 Shohola Falls (2003 -- a coming-of-age novel that imagines the hidden life of Mark Twain 和 the journal of Thomas Blankenship (the real-life Huck Finn).  他的新书, The Road to Dungannon (2023), 是关于他外祖父的故事吗, Irish history 和 literature, 以及作者在岛上的旅行.  威利莫里斯, the former editor of Harper's, 说, “迈克尔·皮尔森是我们国家最优秀的回忆录作家之一."

4:00 p.m. 校友读数

Am和a Galvan Huynh (她/她)是来自德克萨斯州的西加纳作家和教育家. She is the author of a chapbook, Brujería之歌 (2019年9月) Of Color: Poets’ Ways of Making: An Anthology of Essays on Transformative Poetics (The Operating System 2019). Her debut poetry collection, Where My Umbilical is Buried, 将于2023年3月由Sundress出版社出版. 阿曼达被提名手推车奖, 最佳新诗人, 以及Sundress出版公司的“网络最佳”. 她是2016年AWP介绍期刊项目奖得主, 2018 Best of the Net Winner, 2015年Gloria Anzaldúa诗歌奖的决赛选手, 也是2017年美国诗歌协会手册奖学金的决赛选手. 她的诗歌可以在印刷品和在线杂志上阅读 Hayden’s Ferry Review, 太阳港, The Southampton Review,以及其他. 

阿曼达在最靠谱的网赌软件获得了诗歌艺术硕士学位, 在德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校获得英语学士学位, 并在德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校获得生物学学士学位. Currently, she is a doctoral student in English at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.




理查德Leise 在纽约州伊萨卡城外写作和教学.  最靠谱的网赌软件艺术硕士项目佩里·摩根研究员, 他的小说和诗歌发表在许多出版物上.  他的处女作, 被死,将于2023年秋季在布里吉德斯门出版社上市.

鲍勃Kunzinger 一个作品曾在 Southern Humanities Review, 二战的历史, The Chronicle of Higher Education, St Anthony Messenger, Ilanot审查, 红隼, the Washington Post 还有很多其他的. 他著有十本论著,包括 忏悔, still very popular in Prague, 和 相当疯狂,, a collection of essays which includes several noted by Best American Essays. 他的下一本书是叙事回忆录, 《铁疤:西伯利亚的父子他来自Madville出版社,之前的散文集就是他写的, A Third Place: Notes in Nature.



特雷西·赖斯·韦伯  is a longtime educator who currently teaches as an adjunct at Christopher Newport University in Newport 最靠谱的网赌软件, 弗吉尼亚州和诺福克的缪斯写作中心. A graduate of the ODU MFA Program, her work can be found in River River, The Bangalore Review, 在诗人.作为美国诗人学会学院诗歌奖的获得者, 并将在《CALYX》2024年冬/春刊中发表. In 2021, her chapbook, All That Keeps Me was published by Finishing Line Press. 工具 & Ornaments, her first full-length collection of poems, will be released by St. Julian Press in fall 2023. 她和丈夫以及三个儿子中的两个住在弗吉尼亚州的汉普顿.

Van Vaneendenburg 在30多年的海军生涯中担任分析师, retiring as a captain, 并拥有南加州大学的硕士学位. She is the inaugural S.C.R.Y. 文学研究员(Scry Creative residency); scrymagazine.com) 和 a National Endowment for the 艺术 军事 Veteran Fellow at the Virginia Center for the Creative 艺术.  A graduate of the ODU MFA program, 范的作品曾出现在《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》杂志上, a collection of personal essays pushing against individual 和 bureaucratic identities of the post-Vietnam Navy, 和 《姐妹之战:我们所学到的教训 (2023). 

7:00 p.m. S.A. 考斯比

S. A. 考斯比 是来自弗吉尼亚州东南部的安东尼奖得主吗. He is the author of the 纽约时报 畅销书 All the Sinners Bleed, 《剃刀之泪》和《最靠谱的网赌软件》,赢得了 Los Angeles Times 获得图书奖 纽约时报 著名的书,并被评为年度最佳书籍 NPR, 《最靠谱的网赌软件》, 图书馆杂志, 等. 不写作时,他热衷徒步旅行和下棋.


7:00 p.m. Andrew Joseph White

Andrew Joseph White is a queer, trans, 纽约时报 bestselling author from Virginia, where he grew up falling in love with monsters 和 wishing he could be one too. He received his MFA in creative writing from George Mason University in 2022. Find him at AndrewJosephWhite.com or on 推特 @AJWhiteAuthor.


Free parking available in Constant Center/45th Street Garage for events in University Theatre 和 in the 43rd Street Garage for the 巴里艺术博物馆.

For more information, please contact the Old Dominion University English Department at (757) 683-3991 or email mfagpdassistant@htvdirect.net.

在脸谱网上关注文学节 @ODULitFest 在Instagram上 @olddominionmfa


  • President Brian Hemphill, Ph.D. 和 the Office of the President
  • Cullen Strawn, Ph.D, Sarah Glaser, 和 艺术@ODU
  • Michael Kh和elwal和缪斯作家中心
  • Edith White 和 the Forrest P. 白色的养老
  • 克里斯·金和罗罗扩展视频收藏
  • Sarah Pishko 和 Prince Books
  • 迪恩博士. Laura Delbrugge和艺术与文学学院院长办公室
  • SuperCompStudios, logo design
  • Erin Dougherty 和 Eleanor's Norfolk
  • 洁蕊Dickseski
  • Kenneth FitzGerald, Graphic Design
  • Dr. 安妮·H. 村冈和人文研究所

Where great writers of the future connect with the great writers of our time

The Old Dominion University Annual 文学节 is the premier event of our MFA Program in Creative Writing 和 one of the many reasons to study the writer's craft with us at ODU.

访问 the University Libraries' Annual 文学节 Digital 档案 to view materials from past festivals.