By Kenya Godette

出生于喀麦隆,在非洲和美国接受教育, Victoria Time’s scholarship knows no borders.

An ODU professor of sociology and criminal justice, Time has published three books, 她在除南极洲以外的各大洲进行了研究,并在内罗毕大学教授和开展了研究. To add to her achievements, Time是Charles and Elizabeth Burgess奖和Robert Stern卓越教学奖的获得者, 被授予ODU教授荣誉并且是富布赖特学者, to name a few. 毫无疑问,Time同时拥有5个学位,其中2个是犯罪学学位,3个是法学学位.


“Initially, I planned on being a judge,” Time said. “But I realized that with just a law degree, I'm missing out on the doctor title, so I had to go for a Ph.D. And, I had to beat my dad. He has four degrees. I had to get five. He was a huge influence on me.”

她父亲的影响当然得到了回报,因为时间将成为2024年春季教务长聚光灯活动的贵宾,时间为12:30至下午2点.m. 4月4日在巴顿艺术与文学学院的Yetiv礼堂举行,随后将举行招待会.

The event includes remarks by Austin O. 教务长兼教务处副校长阿哥(Agho)和Q&A with Time and Annette Finley-Croswhite, 学院发展中心主任和历史学教授.

Ahead of the Provost’s Spotlight, Time sat down with ODU News to talk about her life, her research and the best part of being an educator.


As a young girl, I had much admiration for the legal profession, especially the robes and wigs worn by judges. 我把法官视为权力的支柱,我决心成为其中一员. 虽然我获得的大多数学位都是法律学位,但我对从事法律工作的兴趣减弱了. 我坚信这一点,因为我来自一个教育之家, teaching was a natural order for me.

让一个看似正常的人走向极端暴力的诱因总是让我感到惊讶, or to a life of crime. 理解犯罪行为,也就是犯罪学,是非常有趣的. Understanding the criminal phenomenon, 阅读惩罚哲学,然后意识到有些人是不可救药的,而另一些人, 只需要一点点积极的或有时消极的刺激, turn their lives around—is fascinating. 

How does your personal background affect your work?

I had a good life. I can't run away from that. But my father didn't. He had to trek for miles, barefooted to go to school. 他决心给我们一个美好的生活,但我们仍然看到我们周围的痛苦. In primary school and secondary school, I saw classmates drop out, 他们退学并不是因为他们不是特别聪明. 他们辍学是因为他们付不起学费或校服. 我看到同学们光着脚、饥肠辘辘或生了疥疮来上学. It made me very grounded. 我已经去过45个国家了,我可以睡在床上或地板上. I can eat from the floor. 这对我来说并不重要,因为我理解,我也见过人们只是把树叶放在地板上. 我的许多关于非洲的出版物都涉及到妇女边缘化的问题, poverty, issues with the educational system, governmental graft, among others. So, 我的一些工作是写我们如何解决贫困和教育问题,因为, like my dad, he rose out of poverty because he got educated. 我写的是贫困和教育,以及我们如何解决这些问题, particularly in depressed countries.

How do you approach teaching?

I doubt I do things much differently from others. I teach with much preparedness, excitement, 我让我的生活经历转化为我的教学. 我给我的学生严厉的爱,就像我爸爸以前对我一样. 他们中的一些人(一开始)不喜欢,但后来就喜欢了. I make them work for their grades. I tell them, “你可能会觉得这很难,你可能会觉得我很难取悦, but at some point you will appreciate this hard work.“如果你不努力,在一门课上拿A是绝对没有意义的. 在我的课上,他们是得不到的,他们必须努力去争取! 我告诉我的学生,我们每个学期只能完成一定数量的工作, so they must go over and above what is expected. That's where you show brilliance. Both of my parents were educators and my dad, who was a professor himself, 总是告诉我们,要做到最好,我们不能只读要求的东西——我们必须读所有的东西. That was the motivation behind my first book, "Shakespeare's Criminals: Criminology, Fiction and Drama.”

What’s the most rewarding part of being an educator?

当我在法庭上听我的学生讲话时,当我称呼他们为“律师”时.” It’s just the highlight! When I get to say, “银牙律师”或“詹妮弗·史蒂文斯律师”——她是这个地区的顶级律师. 当你看到一个学生出类拔萃时,这是最有意义的事情.


I like that question. Traveling is my number one. 我喜欢和人们见面,我不会说他们的语言对我来说没关系,因为人类有一种交流的方式, even without speaking. Gardening! 如果你能看到我墙的一边,那边的那些花是我花园里的. 我喜欢室内装饰,当然,我也是一个时尚达人. I love fashion. I like to dance. Oh my god, I'm a party girl! I like to enjoy myself; I like a good time. 在同事看来,我可能是一个内向的人,因为他们不了解我的这一面, but to my friends, I’m the life of the party. I love that.

How do you want to be remembered?

That I was focused and that I enjoyed life. 我喜欢让别人变得更好,即使我从来没有成为最好的,我也从来没有动摇过. 我从不懒惰,我总是尽力做到最好. 我可能还没有到达我为自己选择的目的地, 但我总是尽我最大的努力,我对此很满意. 我在生活中做得很好,我喜欢认为我是一个非常感恩的人. 我不把人视为理所当然,我记得善良. 如果有什么是我希望我能做得更多的,那就是帮助别人. 我没有太多的资源,所以我用我的笔和我仅有的一点,我和别人分享.