
When members of 最靠谱的网赌软件’s fall Class of 2022 entered Chartway Arena on Saturday, they probably weren’t aware they had a little Kobe Bryant in them.

杰伊•哈里斯, the featured speaker at the University’s 137th Commencement Exercises, 向他们保证他们知道. 

a man wearing academic regalia gives a speech standing at a podium

哈里斯, an ESPN 体育Center anchor and an ODU alum, related a story about Bryant missing jump shots he usually makes during a pregame warmup. Bryant was sure something was wrong with the basket. He 知道 it was too low – by a quarter of an inch. He called maintenance staffers over to check. 果然,他是对的.

“Now, you might be saying, ‘Hey 松鸦, nice story, but why’d you tell it? 那晚些时候呢?, 伟大的, 名人堂传奇, five-time NBA champion Kobe ‘Bean’ Bryant have to do with me?“一切,”哈里斯说. “因为他就是你.”

哈里斯 explained what he meant.

“看, the only way you know a rim is a quarter of an inch too low is because you put up enough shots to know exactly how much force and arc you need on the basketball court to make a bucket from different spots on the court,哈里斯接着说. “You know the rim is a quarter of an inch too low because you put in the work. 就像你一样. 你关注. 就像你一样. 你被驱使着,就像你一样. Even if you needed a little extra help, 或者额外的激励, 或者额外的时间, 或者额外的注意力, 或者额外的工作. 你在这里. 今天. 准备好了. And you even navigated a pandemic along the way. 我是说,真的. You were ready for a whole new world doing all new things. There is something in you, that Monarch DNA I like to call it, that got you to this point in time. 它把你带到了这个地方.”

“You’re stepping forward today. And I need you to keep stepping tomorrow. And the day after that and the day after that.——杰·哈里斯

Nearly 2,000 undergraduate and graduate students received degrees in two ceremonies. 第一次是在上午9点.m., celebrated graduates of the 达顿教育学院 and Professional Studies, 巴顿工程学院 and 技术, 理学院 and the School of 网络安全. 下午12:30.m. event recognized the newest alumni of the 文学院 and 信, 斯特罗姆商学院, 健康科学学院 and the 研究生院.

“Your time at ODU developed your ability to listen with a critical ear and think with an open mind,奥巴马总统说. Hemphill, Ph值.D. “This institution has prepared you for a life of service: not only to self and family, 而是对那些需要帮助的人. I am confident you will take your Monarch values with you on the journey ahead.”

哈里斯, who earned a bachelor’s degree in speech communication in 1987 and served two four-year terms on the Board of 访问ors, was presented with a Doctor of Humane 信 (honoris causa) from President Hemphill and Rector Bruce Bradley.

“You are officially a double alumnus of 最靠谱的网赌软件,” President Hemphill said.

“我博士. 松鸦!哈里斯打趣道。.

在他的开场白中, Athletic Director Wood Selig noted that “Hampton Roads and 最靠谱的网赌软件 have 松鸦’s heart.”

“While ODU is well-represented in the professional sports ranks with three-time Cy Young Award-winning pitcher Justin Verlander and Washington Commanders starting quarterback Taylor Heinicke leading the way, no ODU alum packs more of a day-to-day presence and punch than our very own 杰伊•哈里斯,他补充道.

哈里斯 gave a warm shoutout and 分享d an embrace on the stage with his lifelong friend Ricardo Cortez Randall, 他获得了博士学位.D. 在教育领导方面. He told the graduates that each of their journeys will be unique.

“Many of my friends and classmates walked off this campus straight into careers and got paid. 我没有,他说, noting that it took him a year and half to land his first media job – working for free to start. “我的路就是我的路. 你的路就是你的路. The person next to you will have their path. Whatever your path, just keep going. Follow your passion, your dreams, your talents and your desires. Even when you hear the word no.”

He said the noes he heard early on paved the way for the yesses that came later. He urged them to draw on the poem “成事在人” when things get tough and to keep three “rules” in mind as they chart their futures:

“规则不. 1: If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it. 规则不. 2: If you do not ask, the answer will always be no. 规则不. 3: If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place.”

“You’re stepping forward today,他补充道. “And I need you to keep stepping tomorrow. And the day after that and the day after that.”