
“Nurse led. 病人为中心.” That’s the way the 最靠谱的网赌软件 Community Care team approaches their work.

他们以病人为中心的模式, 这解决了农村和服务不足人口面临的卫生挑战, 是什么赢得了2024年质量标准项目的银质评级 全国免费和慈善诊所协会.

The NAFC ensures medically underserved individuals have access to affordable health care through its formalized set of Quality Standards — that member organizations must uphold. 标准包括高质量的病人护理, 风险管理系统, 临床和药学解决方案和管理任务.  

“Selfishly, 我们加入NAFC只是为了更多地了解免费和慈善诊所, 如何运行它们, 获取资源并提出问题,塔米·斯皮尔哈斯说, ODU社区关怀主任.

“作为一名新成员,他们说获得银牌排名是闻所未闻的. But we're showing good quality outcomes and that is what put us at the silver rating for the first year. 下次我要力争金牌.”

It’s an innovative and intentional approach that makes ODU Community Care stand out as a leader in community health — like their direct impact on pre-K students and 7th graders in the Franklin County Schools system. Students must be vaccinated at the start of school to avoid isolation from their peers, but barriers like lack of transportation and insurance hinder many of them from meeting the deadline.

社区关怀直接与富兰克林县的学校合作, 社会工作者, community partners and school coaches to provide on-site vaccination services to ensure all students were compliant— a first in the 30-year career of Lorraine Green, 西部幼儿潮的主任.

“That was a direct reflection of you guys coming into town,” Green said to Speerhas.

Another factor that qualified Community Care for the silver ranking was their focus on assessing populations for social determinants of care and asking important questions like “what could prevent someone from being healthy?”

“Some people can’t even think about medicine because they can’t afford food for their children,斯佩尔说.

Partnerships with local food banks equip Community Care nurses with the tools to refer patients to weekly grocery collection programs where individuals can collect fresh fruits, vegetables, milk, 鸡蛋和其他主食是免费的. But nurses don’ just stop at addressing physical needs, they focus on patients wholistically.

“If you come in and say, ‘I have chest pain’, I'm going to ask you about everything,斯佩尔说. “Because maybe your chest pain is heartburn because your family member just died or got a new cancer diagnosis, 也许是焦虑. We look at the whole person and all the factors that that could be impacting their health.”

另一个影响奖项的社区服务是学生运营 流动诊所它将于2023年4月上路. 由ODU护理专业学生和专业执业护士组成, the mobile unit has provided free health services in the rural communities of Franklin and Southampton County. Not only does the clinic offer services like sports physicals and acute and chronic care, 它为ODU护理学生提供所需的临床轮转经验.

但移动医疗服务只是ODU护士的冰山一角. Their very first community program in Virginia Beach set the trajectory for the work they do today.

通过与 PiN Ministry, ODU’s nurses established a brick-and-mortar clinic that focuses on patient-centered care for the homeless population. 通过加入执业护士, 护生和社工在一个屋檐下, 它们解决了医疗保健方面的严重障碍,比如缺乏信任, 食品和交通.

Health services at PiN also include preventative care and managing illnesses to avoid emergency room visits. Through this wholistic and integrated approach, the community impact was undeniable. 在诊所关门的日子里, twice as many patients were seen in the ER — 71% could have received care at PiN.

With PiN as the model, Community Care has now expanded this approach to include a second location.

“我们想在人力资源中心复制我们在PiN所做的事情,蒂娜·古斯汀说, 护理学院副教授.

人力资源中心(HRC), 由300美元资助,从圣塔拉健康得到5000元补助, will also offer community-based care to the homeless population in Virginia Beach, 同时保证护生的全面培养.

“我们的目标不仅仅是为社区提供优质服务, but to open our students’ eyes to populations of people they aren’t familiar with, 以及他们不了解的人,” Gustin said.

HRC自2024年3月才开放,但该团队已经有了远大的目标. 他们希望开办一家牙科诊所, 使心理健康项目正式化, develop wound management training and educate patients on when to use the clinic versus emergency services.

As ODU Community Care expands its reach into the most vulnerable areas of Virginia, 要让他们慢下来得费很大劲.


In April, the team traveled to Baltimore to speak with universities from around the country about the work that gained them the NAFC award, 以及他们未来的计划. Speerhas recalled many of the universities sharing that they had been trying to create similar programs but “couldn’t get them off the ground” because of logistical hurdles.

Speerhas praised the School of Nursing for its support — without which they could not have built such a robust collection of services.

“They’ve afforded us an opportunity to be creative and not have everything in a tight, beautiful, 下水前的小小鞠躬,” she said. “We told them, ‘We’ll build it as we as we fly’ and we're going to keep building. We have parachutes if we need to jump, but we're going to be brave and we're going to launch. 因为如果你一直想把东西拼在一起直到完美, 你永远不会发射.”

以创新和专注的方式, ODU Community Care is setting a new standard for quality health care in underserved communities while creating a training pipeline for its future health care professionals.

“在拥有ODU社区护理伞的很短时间内, 我们正在填补这个保护伞。. “We are we are filling that umbrella with amazing services to help the community.